Page 95 of Seal of Approval
“Yes, that’s right.”
Rose wasn’t that talkative when we spoke online, but she sure made up for it now.
“Remember the first night you stayed with us? We had my favourite meal then. I think we should have your favourite tonight.”
“That’s a good idea, Rose,” Jasmine said. “Why don’t you help me with dinner while Ethan helps Bailey with his assignment?”
Rose left her seat. “We need to do my home reading first.”
“We can do it in your room.”
Rose giggled as she followed her mum. “Was I giving Ethan an earbashing?”
Jasmine laughed. “You were giving everyone an earbashing.”
Bailey and I looked at each other and smiled. As a family, we fit together perfectly.
Bailey, Rose and I sat in the audience with Ethan’s family. Rose was sitting between his Gran and Gramps, chatting away. They were nodding and asking her questions.
Bailey sat beside me, studying the auditorium and the audience. “This university is bigger than Somewhere Bay,” he said.
Steve laughed. “That’s a strange name for a town.”
I smiled. “That’s Australian sense of humour for you. Where are you? Somewhere. It’s a bay. Somewhere Bay.”
“That’s your closest town, isn’t it?” Steve asked.
Bailey nodded. “That’s where I go to school. It’s forty kilometres from home.”
“How far is forty kilometres?” asked Harley.
“Around 25 miles,” Steve said.
Harley leant forward with wide eyes to address Bailey. “Your mom has to drive you there every day?”
Bailey shook his head. “Mum drives us to the bus stop. We catch the bus to school.”
“Cool. How many kids go there?” Harley asked.
“Around 300.”
Harley’s eyes nearly popped out of his head. “We have over 2,000 at our school.”
Since I’d been here, I understood why Ethan preferred life in Haven Bay for Bailey and Rose. It was hectic here. Traffic was insane. It took us an hour just to travel a short distance. I couldn’t imagine doing it every day. And as I looked out the car window I noticed tents in the street, or people lying on the footpaths. Their eyes were empty, staring into nothingness. Everything was expensive. No wonder there were so many homeless.
The auditorium quieted down as a school official came to the microphone. Rose stared raptly at the stage. Bailey sat taller.
We watched as Ethan’s row of students stood and walked to the back of the hall to the opposite side, dressed in black robes. What they wore on their feet told their story. Some were in dress shoes like Ethan, others were in work boots and others in sneakers.
Ethan gave Bailey a wink as he walked past. I don’t know how he was so calm. Butterflies were beating their wings in my stomach. I watched him all the way to the opposite side where he met his mentor, Lloyd.
One by one, the candidates went up on stage. By the time Ethan’s turn came, my hands were sweating. Ethan and Lloyd walked on stage together. My throat tightened as I tried to hold my tears in. Ethan's name was announced. He turned away from Lloyd, who placed the royal blue hood over his head. He faced Lloyd who pulled Ethan in for a hug. They separated, both smiling at each other.
He’d done it. Everything he’d worked so hard for was finally accomplished. We all clapped, Bailey the loudest in our group. I wiped at my tears. I hoped the waterproof mascara lived up to its promise.