Page 26 of On His Terms
Good to know Alex wasn’t the only one with that opinion.
“He doesn’t deserve subs.”
And there was part of the conundrum. At least if she spent time with him, she’d understand more about submission and learn to draw some boundaries. “Agree.”
“Which is why you’re going to do it.” Gavin’s tone was fatalistic, and his words weren’t a question. “Be careful.”
He’d say he knew what he was doing. But he’d thought he had with Liz, as well.
Gavin stood. “Gonna hit the gym, if you want to meet me there.”
“I’ll consider it.” Working off some of the energy churning inside him was better than brooding.
Which was what he did for the next couple of hours.
Finally, she called him. “Round one to you,” he said, voice clipped as he answered.
“Excuse me?”
“You win,” he conceded.
“Does this mean you’re agreeable to training me?” Excitement laced her tone, leaving it breathless. It wasn’t triumph, but honest enthusiasm. “Are you serious…? You’ve made me the happiest person on the planet, Sir.”
That soothed him, somewhat. “I’ll give you two weeks. Are you available in the evenings and on the weekends?”
“There are a couple of events that I need to attend, but mostly I can rearrange my schedule, Sir.”
“I recommend we start tomorrow.”
“That sounds reasonable.”
“Dinner? Six o’clock.”
Lesson one. Keep her guessing. No doubt she’d expected him to suggest a club or one of their homes.
He named a restaurant near his office. “Wear a short skirt or dress, heels, no undergarments. And pack an overnight bag in case you decide to stay. Any questions?”
There was silence. “How much will your training cost me?”
“I don’t charge.”
“In that case, I’ll make a donation to your favorite charity in the name of Monahan Capital.”
He exhaled. She might not be a masochist like Liz had been, but that didn’t mean he would have the patience he needed to deal with her annoying persistence. “Don’t be late.”
“I never am. Sir.”
He’d half-expected her to call and try to change the arrangements and he was pleasantly surprised when she didn’t. He arrived at the restaurant five minutes early, and she was already there. Impressive. She was sitting on a bench, her impossibly long legs crossed. Her back was hunched slightly, as if she were trying to hide the fact her breasts were bare beneath the loose-knit sweater. Her beauty was startling, and he was man enough to notice and savor it.
He’d prefer to see her present her body more proudly, and they’d be working on that. The next time they dined in public, her behavior would be different.
With the artificial, calculating expression he recognized from the first time she’d approached him at the Den, she stood and offered her hand, as if he were a business associate. He ignored her hand and said, “I’d prefer you to kiss my cheek.”
She blinked. “Uhm… If you say so,” she said, leaning toward him.
“If you say so, Sir,” he corrected. “You’re in training. And don’t forget it for one moment.”