Page 111 of Over the Line
In all the years he’d known the man, Damien had kept himself aloof from the Den’s guests.
“Enjoy your visit.” Though he spoke to Michael, Damien had never taken his gaze from the Domme.
With that, he walked away, toward Catrina.
Even more curious.
Twenty minutes later, Michael was in the same spot, still nursing his now-warm beverage.
“Warned you.”
Interrupted from his musings, he turned toward Gregorio, who he hadn’t heard approach.
“About Sydney.”
“So you did.”
Gregorio’s single diamond earring flickered beneath the moonlight. “Even if you’d have paid attention, it wouldn’t have made any difference?”
“No.” Despite the loss, spending time with her had been worth it.
“You tried an apology?”
“What the hell is it with you and Damien? Before events, do you rehearse what you’re going to say?”
“Nah. Only with friends who’ve fucked up.”
“Piss off.”
“House subs are wearing purple armbands, if you want to scene. And with it being Ladies’ Night, Tops are in high demand. Even ones who behave like assholes.”
“Thanks. No.”
“That’s what I guessed.” With the barest flash of a smile, Gregorio walked off, striding into the house.
A server passed by, and Michael placed his unfinished drink onto his tray.
Maybe his friends were right. He should try an apology. Trouble was, he didn’t really know how.
Near the check-in desk, before he reached the front door, he saw his friend, David. One of the few people who didn’t know how bad he’d messed things up with Sydney.
He was wearing a black band around his biceps, indicating he was a house monitor for the event.
“How’s the new company?” Michael asked.
David frowned. “That’s why I’m here.”
Michael studied his friend.
“To burn off some energy.”
Seemed Michael wasn’t the only one dealing with some shit. “That bad?”
“Worse than that.”
“How so?”
“I’m being treated as the enemy, as if I’d acquired the company in a hostile takeover.” From a server, he accepted a bottle of mineral water. “Could do with a good, stiff drink, but that’s against the rules. Need a clear head.”