Page 121 of Over the Line
Nervous in a way she’d never been before—maybe because no one had ever mattered like he did, she trembled as she removed her clothes beneath his watchful, intent stare.
“Turn around for me. Let me see every delicious inch that I’ve been missing.”
Mouth dry, she did as her Dominant said.
“Good,” he said when she faced him again. “Now go stand beneath that.” He pointed to an overhead pulley that hung from one of the rafters.
How had she not noticed it before? Maybe because she’d been so busy taking in everything else. “Ah. I’m not sure what you have in mind, Sir.”
“Access to your entire body as I flog you hard for a very long time.”
“Oh, Sir.” His words made her knees weak.
After lowering the hook, he faced her again, expression set in implacable lines. He crooked a finger toward her. “Come here.”
Once she stood in front of him, aware of her nudity and how tiny she was in relation to his overwhelming size, he placed a strong finger beneath her chin and tipped it back. “Here’s my promise to you, Sydney. I will try my best to be the Top you need and the man you deserve. I’ll spend every day working on both.”
The conviction in his voice made her shudder. “I’ll do my best to meet my fears straight on. And be a sub to your Dom.”
“Oh, fuck…” He groaned. “You’re so damn perfect, you’re killing me.”
Had she managed to say the words he’d longed to hear?
“Let’s start where we were—with my response to your earlier brattiness.” He secured her wrists together then fastened them to the hook before adjusting the height to keep her on her toes.
She was stretched taut, not enough to hurt her shoulders, but enough to ensure she was helpless.
Once she was in position, he nodded and stepped back. “Every bit as beautiful as I pictured.”
Her body vibrated with need.
Then, before she was ready, he pinched one of her nipples brutally hard. “You’re mine, Sydney.”
She sighed.
“Another time, I’ll blindfold you and gag you while we do this. But it’s been so long since I’ve heard your sobs and screams. And I want to witness the agony in your eyes.”
He knew the words that would undo her. “Thank you, Sir.”
Tenderly, in shocking contrast to the way he’d brutalized her nipple, he kissed the top of her head. “What’s your safe word?”
“Everest, Sir.”
“And slow word?”
“Freaking tur-tle.” She smiled. “Sir.”
“That will earn you a delayed orgasm.”
“Yes, Sir.” The stuff of her fantasies. When she finally came, she’d explode. “If that pleases you.”
“Darlin’, I’m besotted enough to lasso the moon for you, if you ask me to.” With that, he rolled up his shirtsleeves and removed his hat.
If she hadn’t been suspended, she might have collapsed. “Now we’re getting somewhere, Sir.”
After placing it on a hook, he selected a flogger and took a few practice swings, the long, thick strands of leather cutting through the still, afternoon air.
Then, shaking the hilt so the falls danced back and forth, he returned to her, face set in serious lines. “Open your legs.”