Page 14 of Over the Line
“No. To my knowledge, Catrina doesn’t have permanent submissives.”
“Was your ex collared?” When he didn’t answer, she regarded him more closely. The brim of his damnable hat made his expression unreadable. She wanted to see his eyes.
“Not literally, though I’d considered it.”
Hoped to? Except for the fact his abrupt answer had closed the conversation, she’d have asked the question aloud.
Saying nothing more, he steepled his fingers and looked over the top of his hands at the fire.
“How about any other submissive you’ve been with?” she prodded.
He glanced in her direction. “It hasn’t worked out that way.”
“You’re an expert at evasive answers, Sir.”
“If—or when—it’s appropriate, Ms. Wallace, I’ll have no secrets from you.”
He turned to face her. “And you’ll have none from me.”
She shivered a little, despite the fire, despite the blanket, despite the leather dress.
“So, little sub, is this good night?” he asked. “Or would you like to come home with me?”
Little sub? No one had called her that before. And truthfully, if they had, she might have run, or as forcefully as possible let them know it wasn’t acceptable. She liked a bit of adventure with her sex. But submission? That really wasn’t her thing. As an occasional part of the act, it was fine. But she wanted nothing more, and if they continued, she’d have to make sure she set him straight about that.
Still… There was something about the way he said those words—tinged with a roughened, raw huskiness—that made them palatable. They sounded like a term of endearment, and that made a forbidden response uncurl within her. “What do you have in mind?” If he was offering another ride on this extremely emotional and physical roller coaster, she was intrigued.
“I haven’t had you on your knees.” He swept his gaze down her body. “And I haven’t tormented your nipples.”
Damn. “I have very sensitive nipples, Sir.”
“Do you?” he asked, with no concern in his tone. “Then having me drag you onto your toes by them will no doubt be uncomfortable.”
Hunger slammed into her, making her shift in her seat.
“So what will it be, Sydney?” he asked again. “Would you like to continue? Or shall we say good night?”
His cock still strained against his jeans. Suddenly she was ravenous for him, wanting him inside her, filling her again and again. She had to see if the night could get even better. “I’d like to continue.”
He raised his eyebrows. “Then address me correctly.”
“Sir. I’d like to continue, Sir.”
“At the ranch? Or would you be more comfortable here?”
Staying at the Den had numerous advantages. Gregorio and Master Damien would both look out for her. But she was curious about Master Michael and how he lived.
“I’m also happy to drive to your place, if that’s best for you,” he continued.
“In Evergreen?” She shook her head. Not only did it not make sense for him to drive back toward Denver, but she didn’t invite men to her condominium. She liked her privacy and she needed the freedom to get in her vehicle and leave when she wanted. “Your house is fine.”
After he stood, she accepted the hand he extended. Effortlessly, he drew her up and held on to her for longer than she expected. A protective part of her brain urged her to pull away. But her instinctive, feminine senses recognized his strength, power, and masculinity. She couldn’t move.
“I’m happy to drive you,” he said. “Your vehicle will be fine here, but I assume you’d prefer to take your own car?”
“Yes, Sir.”