Page 21 of Over the Line
Ignoring him, she continued to work her hand against her pussy.
He moved quickly, releasing his grip on her breasts to grab her hands.
“What?” she demanded.
He yanked her hands above her head and secured her wrists.
She exhaled a shaky breath. “I… Damn you. I almost came,” she protested, her mouth slightly parted.
“And I told you orgasm denial was part of your punishment. You haven’t earned an orgasm.” He leaned in a bit. “The fact you just forgot your manners can be overlooked for now, but if you have any hope of being allowed to come again for the rest of the evening, you need to focus on me.”
She drew her eyebrows together and pursed her lips.
Is she going to tell me to go to hell as she hits the door?
Fascinated, he watched her internal emotional battle play out on her face. She clenched her teeth and set her chin. He said nothing, giving her time to process what was happening. He knew they were on a precipice, and damn, he wished he knew the right way to pull them back.
She was definitely headstrong and unaccustomed to giving up control. From the beginning, he’d known she liked BDSM for the intensity, but he’d bet she hadn’t reckoned on this.
Over the course of the next thirty seconds, she remained rigid, glaring at him. Then she took a couple of deep, shuddering breaths, and the tension seemed to drain from her body.
He exhaled slowly. “No doubt I’m different from anyone you’ve played with,” he said quietly. “Demanding things you’re not expecting.” And she was unlike anyone he’d ever known.
Sydney tried to extricate herself, but since she hadn’t used her safe word, he kept hold of her.
He waited for her to sort through her thoughts.
“I’ve been with Doms who practiced orgasm denial before, but not like this.”
“Tell me what you mean.”
“They’ve always just changed tactics, so I didn’t come as fast. But then, when I did, it was an amazing experience. I’ve never had it as punishment.” She blinked. “I’m not sure I like it.”
“You’re not meant to. I figured you would happily take a red ass or a flogging. You could feel good that you were being punished for your bad behavior, but you would really just be getting what you wanted because I’d allowed you to manipulate me.” He traced a finger over one of her eyebrows.
Her nipples were still hard, and she had some goose bumps on her arms. She’d obviously sweated a little, and now her skin was cooling. Or maybe he’d just unnerved her. “I need you to know one thing—I won’t be goaded. And you can stop anytime.”
“I don’t admit defeat.”
“That’s what I want you to accept.” Michael shook his head. “It’s about being honest.”
“In that case, I want to come.”
“I can have you back there again in minutes.”
“You may not be done punishing me,” she said, “but I’m so over being punished. Can we move on to something more fun?”
“I’m afraid you don’t get to decide that.”
She sighed.
“Tell me what you think your orgasm will be like.”
“Will it happen in this century?” she countered. “I mean, will it happen this century, Sir?”