Page 69 of Over the Line
She wanted to say now, if not sooner, but she tried to act nonchalant. “I’m fairly flexible at the moment, except for my upcoming mud race.”
“You mentioned that.”
“It’s challenging and fun, and since we do it to benefit one of my favorite charities, I never miss a year. The part where I crawl beneath barbed wire is my favorite.”
“Playing with you will force me to be creative.”
Right now, things seemed perfect. She spun around. Maybe Jacqueline had been right. Sydney spent so much time thinking about the future that she often robbed the moment of its pleasures. “I have no complaints, Sir. So far.”
“I’ve said before that you like to live on the edge.”
She laughed. “True story.”
“How’s tomorrow for you?” he asked.
Yes. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. “Sounds good.”
“You’re welcome here, or I am happy to come to you.”
“Thanks for the offer, but I prefer to drive up.” As always, she wanted the ability to leave when she desired.
“Of course.”
“What time would you like me to arrive?”
“How about early afternoon? Do you remember the code for the gate? Or if you want to call when you’re in Winter Park, I’ll meet you somewhere and we could have lunch.”
While that sounded tempting, she was anxious to scene. “Thanks for the offer, but I’m good. I remember the combination.”
“Would you like me to text the specific directions?”
Since it had gotten a little confusing after leaving the main road, she appreciated the offer. “That would be great, Sir.”
“Bring the new outfit. Oh, and Sydney?”
“Tonight? Don’t masturbate. I want you aroused and frustrated when you get here.”
His voice, so masterful, chilled her. Until this moment, she hadn’t been thinking about touching herself. Now the idea consumed her.
“Please acknowledge what I said.”
Are you serious? “But…” Knowing she was going to see him ratcheted her desire up to a whole new level. “It’s been ten days.”
“Then a few more hours won’t matter a bit.”
She sighed. “Of course you’re right.” Her own words gave her an illicit thrill. She insisted she wasn’t a sub, but when he gave her commands like that, part of her melted, as if doing what he said—even outside a scene—were the most natural thing in the world. “I won’t masturbate, Sir.”
“You have no idea how much your obedience pleases me.”
“Thank you, Sir.”
After the call ended, her skin seemed to hum with energy. Knowing she had to burn it off or go crazy, she changed into running shorts and shoes, then put on a sports bra and lightweight top. Finally, she pulled her hair into a ponytail before exiting the condo.
To warm up her body, she started with a gentle jog down the street before crossing over and heading toward Evergreen Lake.
A path encircled the picturesque forty-acre lake, and she entered on the dam side. She zoned out as she turned up the dial on her pace. It didn’t take long for her to regulate her breathing and work up a sweat as she neared the Lake House. Sydney hardly noticed the other pedestrians or bicyclists, or the elk and deer grazing in the brush. She startled a rabbit at one point, but that barely distracted her.