Page 80 of Over the Line
His chest constricted. In this moment, he’d have done anything he could to satisfy her.
After removing his hat, he hung it from a vertical post.
“You make the littlest things seem so sexy, Sir.”
He knelt in front of her and looped the rawhide strips around her right thigh several times before securing her to the wood behind her. “How’s that?”
“Unyielding, Sir.”
“Too uncomfortable?”
“Isn’t it supposed to be?”
He shook his head and looked up. “Absolutely not. I don’t want you focused on the bondage, I want you surrendered to the moment.”
“Honestly, Sir, it feels fine. I would tell you if it didn’t. I promise.”
“Good. I want to be able to land a strike or two on your pussy.”
“Oh?” She pursed her lips before breathing in and exhaling a jagged breath.
“Now your wrists.”
Afterward, he rechecked all the bonds to ensure she was properly affixed. Though he didn’t want her to pull away and get injured, he also needed to be sure her circulation would not be compromised.
Satisfied, he took a step back. “Beautiful.” And she was. She seemed serene, more so than she generally did. Being tied up suited her.
On some level, he understood that. Her struggle might provide her with a physical release. And that gave her tacit permission to let go emotionally. For someone like Sydney, that was probably true freedom. He was glad to take her on the journey.
Holding up the gag, he returned to her. “Is there anything you need me to know?”
“No, Sir.”
“Every part of you is available to me?”
“It is, Sir.”
“I will not go near your face or your neck,” he said.
“Thank you, Sir. That’s thoughtful.”
“Now open your mouth.” He inserted the ball between her teeth. Since there was only a small part inside, he commanded, “Wider.”
She waited a moment, stalling, but he outlasted her.
When she relaxed slightly, he forced it in a bit farther, then told her, “Tip your head forward slightly.” Getting her hair out of the way of the buckle was a challenge. “Sorry,” he said when he accidentally pulled a few strands.
“It’s all right,” she mumbled, or at least that’s what he thought she’d said.
He adjusted the fit so the straps wouldn’t slip. Now it was perfect. She wouldn’t be able to properly form any words, and her cries would be stifled. “Damn, you are a sexy woman, Sydney.”
Normally he’d like her mouth to be free, but it really was a turn-on seeing that big device forcing her jaw apart. “Do I need to adjust anything?”
She shook her head.
After placing the scissors nearby, he picked up the flogger and shook it out, much like she had done earlier, only he did it with more of a snap to his wrist so the strands jumped. “Your entire body is mine.”
In quick succession, she blinked several times.