Page 83 of Over the Line
While still holding her, he sat, then leaned forward for a half-finished glass of lemonade. “Can you drink a little of this?” he asked, offering her the beverage.
She accepted and took a few sips.
When he put down the glass, she once more snuggled against him. He smoothed her hair, cradled her, saying nothing as he luxuriated in the feel of her.
“That was…”
He waited.
“Sensational. I had no idea. You can do that to me anytime.”
If she was willing, he had a number of other things in mind.
After a couple of minutes of shared silence, she squirmed a bit and looked up at him. “I’m…” Her unfinished sentence hung between them.
“You’re what?”
“Nothing. Never mind. I don’t want to overstep my bounds, Sir.”
“Say whatever you want, Sydney. Always.”
“I’m so aroused. But I’m content to wait as long as you say, Sir. I think I understand more now, about what you were talking about earlier. At first I didn’t, but…”
“Go on.” Did she realize that waiting, longing, subjecting herself to his dominance could transform her experience?
Had she learned that he could be trusted to nurture and care for her, that all her deepest desires would be met, and that all men were not like the ass who’d collared her?
“It’s not about the orgasm… I’m struggling to express what I feel.” She curled one hand into a fist. “I want you in me. The connection.”
So did he. “There’s no hurry. I don’t think you’ve ever been that far gone before.” But hopefully this time wouldn’t be the last.
“When you’re ready, Sir, so am I.”
After holding her until she began to push away from him and stretch, showing him that she really was back with him, he carried her inside. Shockingly, her shoes had somehow managed to stay on, and they aroused him all over again.
In his bedroom, he managed to pull back the comforter and toss the pillows on the floor, even with her still clinging to him.
Gently, he lowered her onto the bed then grabbed the toy box and placed it on the nightstand.
Sydney stirred, rolling onto her side to watch him undress. “Your cock is hard, Sir.”
As it’s been for days. “You’re not the only one who’s been deprived for more than a week.”
“Have you really?”
“As I’ve said, I don’t expect anything from you that I’m unwilling to do.”
“You haven’t jacked off since we were together last?”
“Not even once.” Which might have been somewhat of a record for him. He was a sexual man, and he generally started his day by masturbating in the shower.
He donned a condom. Even though he’d enjoyed it when he’d had her use her mouth to roll it down him, he didn’t want to wait that long.
“Shall I keep the shoes on, Sir?”
“Only if you want to drive me wild.”
“I’ll take that as a yes.”