Page 118 of Ruthless Reign
I turn to face the wall and press a palm above my head, struggling to steady my breathing. My teeth grind together so hard that I could crack a molar, but it helps to keep my anger in check for now. I’ll unleash it when the time comes.
“Where are you?” Nikolai's voice cuts through the tension.
“Close to the chapel. Don't worry. You'll see me soon enough.”
The call ends, and silence blankets the room. They're all waiting for me to get my shit together.
I take a final breath, turn around, and face them.
Nikolai crosses his heavily tattooed arms across his chest. All of us are inked up, but art covers almost every inch of his skin, adding to his menacing demeanor. “What's the plan, boys?"
I rub my chin. “You need to buy time with Sofiya while we rescue Liza.”
His eyebrows shoot to his forehead. “How am I supposed to buy time?”
“His guards are mercenaries, guns for hire. They likely don't know what Sergey looks like. Show up at the chapel and find a way to stall without raising suspicions.”
Nikolai swipes his palm over his buzzed head. “Got it.”
Viktor settles in front of a computer, fingers flying over the keyboard. “Anatoly said he's near the chapel, so I assume Liza is close by too. I’ll fly a drone in a circular pattern above the area. We might spot a clue that could be helpful in finding Liza—either his men or a vehicle.”
"Good call.” Pavel peers over Viktor’s shoulder at the screens.
Nikolai steps out of the room and returns a few minutes later, dressed in a tuxedo. I can't help but raise my eyebrows. He's the last guy I'd expect to see in formal wear.
“A tux? Really?”
He holds his arms out wide. “I’m a man who likes to come prepared.”
“Check it out. That's it!" Viktor points at the screen to a small white-washed structure with a cross on its roof. “That’s the chapel.” He flies the drone along the coast. “And check out this house with black SUVs parked out front.”
I lean closer. From here, it looks like a run-down farmhouse, isolated among rocky terrain.
"You think that's where he's holding them?” I ask.
“I’d put money on it.”
As we watch the screen, two burly men appear, flanking a slim, dark-haired woman. She could be mistaken for Liza if not for the shorter hairstyle. It’s definitely Sofiya, her shoulders slumped and a bouquet hanging loosely from her hand.
Nikolai fixes his gaze on the screen, his eyes darkening with a fierce glint. “She's so fucking young," he murmurs, straightening abruptly and smoothing his lapels. “Gentlemen, if you’ll excuse me. It’s showtime.” He reaches into his back pocket and flicks two sets of keys in my direction.
I catch them, eyebrows raised in question.
“Keys to the ATVs—the best way to get around this island.” Nikolai strides towards the kitchen, where he arms himself, tucking a handgun into the back of his pants and a knife in an ankle holster.
I step up to Nikolai, extending my hand. “Thank you.” It might be premature, but he's already taken risks for us and I respect that.
We lock eyes as he grips my hand firmly, then he turns and vanishes through the door. The growl of an ATV engine fades into the distance as I turn back to Viktor.
“How many guards are surrounding the house?”
Viktor frowns. "Looks like five or six guns for hire. No sign of Anatoly yet.”
“We don't have time to wait for him to show up. We need to head out.”
Viktor presses a few buttons on his keyboard. “I can control the drone from my phone.”
“Good. Let's pull our shit together.”