Page 23 of Ruthless Reign
“How can I accept this? It wouldn't look right.” I swallow down my emotion and whisper, “I’m nearly a married woman.”
Roman runs a knuckle down his face in a way that suggests he’s debating how to respond. Finally, he shrugs and slowly tucks the book back into his jacket.
I might be an idiot for passing on something I could resell for good money, but the idea of selling something so special curdles my stomach. However, after yesterday and the undeniable ping of chemistry between us, I can’t let him get the wrong idea. It would be bad for both of us.
“Suit yourself.” He clears his throat and leans back in his chair.
Disappointment weighs down my shoulders. I'm not sure if it's from turning down the book or because he's now looking at me with a coolness that wasn’t there before.
“Did you have a chance to read it?” I ask, searching for a point of conversation.
“I’m about halfway through.”
Oh, wow. I didn’t expect that. “What do you think so far?”
“A little creepy, isn't it?”
I release a throaty laugh. “I guess it is. It's known as a gothic novel for exactly that reason.”
“I don’t mind it. I like the darkness.”
“I think that says a lot about you.”
“Maybe.” He absently plays with a coaster on the table as his gaze searches my face.
“What?” I finally ask, feeling self-conscious.
“You’ve smiled more this trip than I’ve ever seen you smile.”
I shrug, feeling a little defensive. “I’m on vacation with my best friend—I have a lot to smile about.”
He leans forward and picks up an unshelled peanut from our table, cracking the outer layer with his fingers. “And you have a wedding to look forward to.”
I trace the rim of my empty glass, not wanting to meet his eyes. “Exactly.”
He pops the nut between his lips and chews, watching me the entire time like he can see through the mask I show the rest of the world.
“What about you?” I say, attempting to turn the conversation. “Any wedding bells in your future?”
He leans back, throwing one thick, muscled arm around the empty seat on his left. “None whatsoever. I’m free as a bird and like it that way.”
I swallow, feeling a tightness in my throat. “That’s right. From what I hear, you’ve never been with the same woman twice.”
His eyes widen, and I immediately regret my words. It makes it sound like I'm keeping tabs on his life, which I'm not. But Roman is one of Moscow's most eligible bachelors, and it's impossible to block out society gossip.
Instead of looking offended, he raises an eyebrow, intrigued. “You heard that, huh? What else are people saying about me?”
“Not from Kira,” I’m quick to clarify. “We don’t talk about you. It’s just… Others talk. You know how it is.” I wish I never opened my big mouth in the first place, but now it’s too late to backtrack.
“Sure.” He narrows his eyes. “We all love a bit of gossip. So tell me. I’m dying to hear what other people are saying about me.”
I bite my lip, knowing I should put an end to this conversation, but curiosity has gotten the better of me. “That you slept with the commissioner's wife last year and then refused to see her again. That she was so distraught she threatened to hang herself, but you didn’t care.”
His expression turns dark, but he nods for me to continue.
“That you prefer to kill with your bare hands because you like to feel when someone’s life drains out of them. That you have a dark side.”
He runs a thumb over his bottom lip. “Well, I guess you know everything there is to know about me, then.”