Page 136 of The Fast Lane
Melanie snapped her fingers. “Give me the dog.”
Melanie tucked the dog under her arm and raced back over to the arch we’d set up where the dirt path opened into the clearing. She kissed my cheek. “You got this, Theo.”
I smiled gratefully. “Thanks for all your help.”
“Are you kidding? It’s way more fun to plan someone else’s wedding.” With a sly smile, she lowered her voice. “Plus, guess who picked today in the wedding pool?”
She scurried down the aisle to stand next to Ellie, dumping the dog off on the lap belonging to Chris, Mae’s husband, along the way.
Mae: We have made it to the parking lot. T-minus thirty seconds.
Mae: I lied. She’s inspecting the park sign now. Wants to update it.
Me: We’re ready to go.
Mae: Good.
Mae: Hey, Theo?
Me: Yeah?
Mae: I’m glad it’s you Ali is marrying.
A warmth spread through me. Mae’s acceptance meant a lot, maybe more than the Ramos family’s. Ali’s family loved me, but Mae had always been a little harder to read, a little tougher to crack, and fiercely protective of those she loved.
Me: Thanks.
I heard a murmur of voices and could just make out Ali’s. The nerves I’d held at bay suddenly showed up and I ran my hands along my pants and took a few steps forward, wanting to meet her before she saw what lay ahead.
She was laughing when she appeared and, like it usually did, my heart flipped over at the sight of her. At the silky wave of her brown hair, the big dark eyes with the permanent glint of mischief, the freckles that dusted her cheeks, the sassy swing of her hips, how her head tilted ever so slightly, asking a question without words, when she saw me.
“What are you doing here?” Ali asked, her steps slowing. “You said you had a big meeting this afternoon in Houston.”
I shrugged. “I lied.”
She crossed her arms. “And you’re all dressed up.”
“So are you,” I pointed out. Mae had concocted a fake photo shoot for a fake magazine article to get Ali in a white dress that cinched in at her waist and flared out to just below her knees. The top was held up by dainty straps and a scooped neckline that made my heart race for other reasons.
Mae clapped her hands. “My job here is done.”
She turned to Ali and hugged her, whispering something into her ear I couldn’t hear. Whatever it was, Ali sucked in an audible breath and stared at Mae as she scooted down the path, stopping to give me a kiss on the cheek. “Go get her, tiger. Or should I say, that booty’s all yours, Dread Pirate Goodnight?”
My cheeks flamed. “She told you?”
Smiling, Mae patted my back. “Your secret is safe with me.”
With that she was gone, leaving Ali and me alone. We drifted together, pulled by the invisible string that seemed to link the two of us.
“You told her?”
“Just that you had a thing for pirates.” With a shrug, she bit her lip. “I like your thing for pirates.”
Her cheeks flushed an adorable pink as she wrapped her arms around my neck. “I sure do.”