Page 70 of The Fast Lane
“I’ll have to tell Mack. Las Vegas will add extra time on the drive.”
“Somehow, I doubt he’ll mind,” I said dryly.
He yawned. “I’ll sleep on it.”
“You do that. But give me plenty of warning. I’ll have to get my official stakeout outfit ready.”
“You have a— You know what? Never mind.”
I was almost asleep when I remembered I had a couple of questions for Theo.
“Is it Amanda Nicholas?”
“A.N. Amanda Nicholas. Am I right?”
His laugh was a low rumble. “Nope.”
“What about Ava Nash?”
“Not even close.”
“Angela Nelson? Abbie Norris? Agatha Nightcrawler?”
A throw pillow sailed across the room and landed on my stomach. “Give me some credit. Who would read a romance novel written by someone named Agatha Nightcrawler?”
“So, no?”
“Go to sleep.”
“I’m going to figure it out, you know.”
“I know. Trust me, I know.”
My phone dinged with a message.
Mae: Someone started a rumor you were running for mayor.
Me: Oh, yeah. Wonder who that was?
Mae: I wish you could have seen Peter’s face. I did not know a human could turn that color.
Ellie: It really was an unhealthy shade of red.
Me: You know I’m not doing it.
Mae: I’ve gotten about fifteen people signed up to work the campaign. Mrs. Katz had flyers printed and she’s been passing them out.
Me: Are you even listening?
Ellie: I made the cutest Vote for Ali buttons.
Mae: And we settled on a campaign slogan.
Ellie: Let’s Rally for Ali!!!!!!!!
With a groan, I tossed the phone on the bed.