Page 114 of Dead of Summer
And I’m sure I’ll be the one explaining how in the world someone’s kid got a hold of a knife.
What a shitty way to spend the rest of my day.
It takes a moment for me to realize why I’m awake, even as I stare up at the ceiling of my small cabin. My bed is cool, especially with the blankets kicked down to my feet and my shorts riding up. The wind rattles the frame of my window, and for a few seconds, all I can really do is space out and wake up.
Until my door shuts softly, and I hear a soft breath before it’s locked.
“You’d better be Kayde,” I murmur sleepily, still not really awake. “And if you are, you should know I’m barely awake.”
“You high, baby girl?” It sure as hell is my psychopath, and as I make room for him on the bed, he slides in behind me, one arm around my waist as he drags me back to him.
My brain unhelpfully reminds me of the last time we’d had sex, two nights ago, when he’d gotten off by telling me about murdering his co-captain and promised to drag me to hell along with him so we’d never be apart.
It isn’t romantic.
No matter the arguments my brain is trying to make.
I groan a protest that I barely feel, and my brain registers some shock when I realize he’s already shirtless.
“I’m so high,” I assure him, finally rolling over in his grip. “So sleepy. I was stressed earlier. After Nolan and Alec and…” I make a dismissive gesture at my hand, and thankfully, Kayde doesn’t ask questions.
A beat of silence goes by, then I murmur, “He’s okay, right?”
“More than okay. I talked to Fink after you and Kins went back to the girls. He said Nolan needed a few stitches, but everything is fine. His parents got to the hospital earlier, and Alec’s mom picked him up just after dinner.” I know these things. But hearing Kayde say them softly, in his voice that holds no questions, somehow makes it better.
“I don’t get why he had a knife,” I admit, feeling his hands at my waist sliding upward. With the heat of the day, I’d forgone a shirt, and I’m sleeping only in a sports bra that leaves most of my torso bare. And Kayde seems pretty thrilled about that. “Especially somewhere the kids could get it.”
“Because Shawn’s an idiot,” Kayde reminds me smoothly, hooking his fingers in my bra and pulling it up and over my head before it disappears from my bubble of existence. I’m too high and much too sleepy to know where he’s tossed it, or care. My shorts go next, and it feels like they’re on one moment, and gone the next. Clearly, Kayde has some kind of clothes-removal super power to go with all the others he so unfairly possesses.
“I don’t like you,” I sigh, not realizing quite how that sounds.
“Oh. yeah?” Kayde sounds amused, more than anything. “Why is that, sweetheart?”
“You’re good at too many things. It’s unfair and not…cool.” God, I know I have to sound like such a dumbass, but I really can’t help it. “Makes it hard to hate you.” I definitely don’t mean for that part to come out, and his answering chuckle makes that doubly clear in my head.
“Poor thing.” He doesn’t sound at all apologetic. “Poor baby.”
“I’m going to go back to sleep,” I warn him, opening my eyes to glare up at my ax murderer. “Seriously. I’ll go back to sleep and leave you to talk to yourself.”
“Go back to sleep,” Kayde agrees, rather enthusiastically. In the glimmer of moonlight from my window, I can see his eyes darken, and the predatory smirk on his lips. “By all means. If you’re sleepy, you should sleep.”
“That feels too easy.”
“Does it?” he leans forward as my eyelids droop, nose nudging mine. “Or did you just forget that I love fucking your pretty little cunt while you sleep, hmm?”
Oh. Well, I hadn’t forgotten, exactly. But it’s hard to think through the haze of sleep and the THC that’s still thrumming gently through my nerves.
“I’ll be awake soon,” I promise him, eyes already drifting closed. “I took it a few hours ago. It’ll wear off.”
“Don’t push yourself on my account.” I’m already half out of it again when I feel Kayde push me onto my back, and even the feel of his fingers against my slit isn’t enough to keep me from dozing off again.
Maybe I really should’ve taken half an edible, instead of a full one, if I can’t convince myself to wake up for Kayde to fuck me.
Or maybe I just find the idea of him wrecking me while I’m asleep that much of a fucking turn on, and my brain isn’t in the mood to admit it. Either way, between his soft, sweet touches and the murmur of his voice in my ear, I don’t stand a chance. My brain powers down just as quickly as it had come online, and with a sigh I decide to just say fuck it and let myself drown in the suffocating blackness of THC-aided sleep.
The sounds in my ears are embarrassing, at best. Soft whimpers and pleas that sound like someone else, and only when Kayde shushes me softly do I realize that the embarrassing, shaky noises are coming from me.