Page 132 of Dead of Summer
“I guess he’s doing something awful, huh?” Grey doesn’t sound worried or upset like I am. But why should he be? He has nothing to lose. But when I look at him again, he’s on his feet, and Kayde only stalks away with a mutter and a shake of his head.
“So what are you going to do, Summer?” Grey asks, his voice quiet enough that I know Kayde doesn’t hear him. His grin widens, slashing across his lips. “Are you going to let him keep spiraling? He’s going to kill someone tonight, you know. He won’t be able to help himself.”
The words cause something to click into place inside of me, and when he holds the now-sheathed blade out to me, I barely hesitate.
I take the knife in my hand and shove it into the back of my shorts, eyes never leaving his. “No, he won’t,” I promise in a whisper. “Not if I have anything to say about it.”
And that, it seems, is the answer Grey has been waiting for all along. His eyes flicker with a cruel, wicked light that reminds me of Kayde, and I see in him the same monster hiding under Kayde’s smiles and friendly facade. “I look forward to seeing what you do to him,” he tells me, and steps back with a small, mock salute.
“And how many pieces the two of you leave him in.”
By the time we’re back at Camp Crestview, the sun is so far set that most of the camp is in shadow. I look around, confused by the eerie quiet, before glancing at Kayde for an explanation.
“It’s because of you.” He tells me flatly. “Shawn told all the counselors about Grey, and they made the campers go to Otter Hall for a ‘sleepover.’ It isn’t the worst idea in the world.”
“Unless you’re a child-killing ax murderer looking to up your body count,” I can’t help but snort, and the withering glance I get in response is so worth it. “God, I have…no idea where to start.” But my heart pounds in my chest as I think of Kinsley’s unconscious body and the idea of Shawn hurting her.
It dawns on me that this will be faster if we split up.
But that’s also one of the worst ideas I’ve ever come up with in my life.
Still, I look at Kayde with an apology on my face, and his lips press together like he knows exactly what I’m going to say. “I’m not going to like what you’re going to propose, am I?” he asks darkly, eyes narrowed. “I swear to God, Summer. If you’re about to suggest?—”
“Splitting up will be faster. And he has Kinsley,” I remind him, my voice soft. “I cannot lose Kinsley to Shawn.”
I see him weigh the idea in his mind, and his grimace tells me he’s come to the same conclusion as me. “Fine.” Kayde’s hand flexes at his side. “But if you find him, if you find any trace of him, you call me. Understand? Even if you have to send up a fucking smoke signal, you get me there. Don’t you dare confront him on your own.”
I’m nodding even before he’s finished talking. “Promise, I’ll get you. I’ll call you and tell you where I am,” I say as he strides over to me, jerking my chin up to him.
“Don’t you dare do anything stupid,” Kayde snarls lightly, leaning down to nip my lower lip in lieu of a kiss. “Or I’ll kill you.”
If I’m not already dead, I don’t say. But I grin recklessly and give him a quick, two-finger salute before jogging toward Otter Hall. “I’m going to find Liza,” I tell him over my shoulder. “See if she can help us.”
“I’m going to start searching around the perimeter.” He’s jogging away in the other direction as he says it, and I’m close enough to the heavy glass doors that I don’t answer.
For a few moments, no one notices me. At least, until Daniel’s eyes find mine and I worry he’s going to pass out as his mouth opens and closes like a fish. “Summer?” he chokes out at last, looking to his side where Darcy stands, ashen-faced. “We heard…Shawn said?—”
“Where’s Liza?” I ask flatly. “Better yet, have you seen Shawn in the past hour?” The two of them trade looks, and it’s hard not to notice the war of emotions and guilt on Darcy’s face.
But I don’t have time for her shit tonight.
“We haven’t seen Shawn in a few hours now,” Daniel admits. “He left saying he was going to call the cops and Fink. But umm…” He chews his lower lip. “I’m starting to think something’s wrong with that since no one has showed up.”
No shit, Daniel, I want to snap. But instead I close my eyes hard and nod. “Liza?”
“She’s been gone for awhile, too. Maybe thirty minutes?” He glances at his watch, then up at me. “Maybe forty. She said she was going back to the cabin for a first aid kit. One of the kids fell into a table and she wanted to clean the cut with peroxide.”
“But she’s not back either?” A bad feeling sinks into my stomach, and I’m already heading back for the door.
“No?” Daniel looks at Darcy, who won’t meet his gaze. “Are you okay? You look kind of awful, and Shawn said?—”
“Call the police,” I order, calling the words over my shoulder. “Call Fink.”
“What do we tell them?” Daniel asks, and I pause, knowing all the kids can hear me.
“Tell them…” I trail off, unsure. “Tell them we need help.” I don’t know what else to say. I don’t know how else to get them here, and I don’t want to alert Daniel and Darcy to what’s going on.