Page 119 of Ryker
“I like it, too.”
I fuck her harder, driving us both across the bed.
“Come inside me,” she says once I’m close. “Dump it all into me, Ryker.”
A terrible noise explodes out of me. Pulling her onto my lap, I spring her up and down on my dick until we’re a heap of grunts and tangled limbs. I use her like a fuckdoll. Her tits jiggle in my face. Her nails dig into my shoulders. Her fucking hair is in my mouth.
“You like being my toy? You like the way I use you to get off with?”
“Yes.” Her inner walls grip me. “God, yes.” She crushes her mouth to mine, and I explode.
I come hard and scream ugly. My dick jerks, emptying my release inside her, pumping every bit of toxicity I own into her precious body. Clutching Tara fiercely, I cage her in my arms, squeezing her tight while my dick continues twitching in her cunt.
“That was incredible,” she whispers as I press my lips to her neck.
My dick’s softer, still crammed inside her, ready for another round. “Let me just…” I lift her off me gingerly but hear her whimper. Shit. “How hurt are you?”
My cum seeps out of her pussy and onto my groin. It makes me feel dirty and confused.
“I’m not hurt, Ry.” She peppers me with kisses and each one is a stab in my dead heart.
I hold her close to me again. My head’s spinning. Panic is setting in. Shit, shit, shit.
“You’re shaking,” she says, alarmed. “Are you hurt?”
“I’ve just done depraved things to you, and you’re concerned about my health instead of your own?” I don’t deserve her.
“I’m fine. Now tell me what’s wrong with you.” She looks all over my body like there’s going to be a knife in my gut or something. “Jesus, Ry, you’re pale.”
“I’m in a Dom drop.” And crashing hard.
“What’s that mean?”
“It means…” Fuck, I don’t have the capacity to describe it right now. “Please just let me hold you and take care of you.”
Tara’s brow furrows. “Will taking care of me make you feel better?”
I nod, unable to speak around the bile rising in my throat.
“Okay.” She relaxes in my lap. “But please don’t feel bad for what we just did. I loved it.”
My heart cracks into pieces. Tara just let me do all kinds of things to her. She never even called yellow. Her body melted for my touch, no matter how rough it was. It’s been that way since the beginning. Tears build in my eyes, but I blink them back. “You’re not really a whore or a slut or any of those things I called you.”
“I know.” She nestles in my lap a little more, tucking her head under my chin. “But I really like being your fucktoy.”
I know some people like being used. I see it all the time in my club. But it’s hard for me to separate my trauma from their pleasure. Using Tara like this tonight was a balm to my soul during the scene, but now that it’s over, I feel like I’ve ripped my darkness open and all that’s dripping out of me is regret and shame.
“You’re more than a fucktoy, Tara.”
“I know.”
“You’re more than I deserve.”
“Agree to disagree.” She lifts her head to look at me. “Sorry I bit your lip earlier.”
“It felt good.”
She drags her thumb over the split in my lip and I playfully nip at her, which makes her giggle.