Page 126 of Ryker
Storming down the hall, I shove my way through the door and stop dead in my tracks.
Tara’s in my chair, a pencil holding her hair in a knot on the top of her head. “Good morning, sleepyhead.” She beams me a smile full of sunshine.
The place smells like female and coffee. “You scared the fuck out of me.”
“I wanted to give you space. You needed sleep, and I was too restless to stay still.” Tara taps my monitor. “I was totally watching you like a creeper, too. You’re sexy when you sleep.”
Flattery will get her everywhere with me.
And now that I’m back in her orbit, my heart settles and panic lessens. “How long have you been up here?”
“Mmm.” She looks at the clock on her laptop. “Only two hours. Dmitri brought me coffee and breakfast.”
I’m both jealous and grateful he took care of my girl. I’d thank him if he hadn’t already slipped out of here. “Why couldn’t you sleep?”
“My head’s too buzzy.” She shrugs. “I just need to finish what I started, so it’s really over.”
There’s a resignation letter on the screen. Kudos to her for having the spine to stick to her threats. “You’re really quitting?”
“I never wanted to be in realty, anyway. I only did it to make my mom and William happy.” She hits a button and the document closes. “It’s time to be me.”
God damn, I’m so fucking proud of her.
“What are you going to do now?” Whatever it is, I’ll help her.
“I don’t know, honestly.” Tara leans back and takes a sip of her coffee. “I might just take a break. I have money saved, so my bills won’t be an issue for a while.”
I’ll make sure they aren’t. I’m not too worried about her making ends meet, though. Getting a new job won’t be a problem for her. Tara’s smart as a whip and hard working. Any company would be lucky to have her.
Tara’s fingers start flying across the keyboard, her brow knitted with concentration. “Annnnd…” She taps the mouse. “Done.”
She’s sent the letter. I can only imagine the fallout.
“I’m really proud of you,” I say, kissing her head.
“Same.” Tara runs her nails up my forearm. “So, what should we do today?”
“Whatever you want, Butterfly.” The rooms are open and at her disposal. “Paddles. Whips. Chains. Hot wax.”
“Whoa,” she laughs. “You’ve been holding out on me, Mr. Hudson.”
Yeah, I have. In so many ways. “I won’t anymore.”
“Good.” She drops her laptop in the trashcan. “How about we start with a walk first? I want a clear mind before you blow me to pieces with that big dick of yours again.”
God damn, I love this woman. Grabbing her hand, I pull her out of my chair. “Come on, Butterfly. I know the perfect place.”
Chapter 42
After a long hot shower, complete with Ryker eating me for breakfast, we get dressed and head out of the club. No matter how many questions I ask, I can’t figure out where he’s taking me. The excitement’s palpable between us and let me just say, Ryker Hudson has the best genuine smile I’ve ever seen.
Dressed in a charcoal grey t-shirt, dark jeans, and combat boots—he looks scrumptious as we walk over to one of three motorcycles parked in a row.
Ry hands me a helmet. “Put this on, Butterfly.”
“I’ve never ridden on a motorcycle before.” I think he likes being part of my first experience with many things, if I’m reading that grin of his correctly.