Page 139 of Ryker
“Very.” I giggle. “You’re positively obsessed.” I love that for me. “You need an intervention.”
“Are you there yet?”
“Just walked in.” I drop my keys on the table and head to my bedroom. “I should only be like fifteen minutes.” I rip open my underwear drawer to grab a few lacy ones. My heart stutters with confusion. Holding a pair of silk panties up, my mouth runs dry. “Shit.”
“What’s wrong?” Ryker’s aggressive tone funnels into my ear.
“I…” There’s no way I can tell him someone has cut out the crotch to my underwear. All of my fucking underwear. Each one I pick up has been shredded. “Oh my god.”
“Tara,” Ryker growls. “What the fuck’s wrong?”
Fear floods my system. My mouth runs dry. My heart stops.
I turn around and drop my phone.
Garret’s sitting on my bed with a knife in his hand.
Chapter 47
He doesn’t look up from the knife he’s playing with. “Where have you been, Tara?”
“Get out!” I scream.
How the hell did he get in here? I changed the code. This can’t be happening.
“You’ve been gone a long time, little sister.” Garret stands up and cracks his neck. “Where the fuck have you been?”
He lunges to grab me, and I pivot, dashing out of the bedroom, screaming for help. He slams into my back, tackling me to the ground, and I fall flat on my face. Pain radiates down my spine and my nose runs, blood dripping onto the carpet.
Pulling my hair by the roots, he yanks my head back and growls in my ear, “You and I have played this game for way too long. You’re such a fucking tease.”
“Please don’t do this.” I don’t know if he’s going to hurt me or kill me. I’m not giving him a chance to do either. Kicking relentlessly, I manage to get one leg free and smash him in the belly with my heel.
His grip doesn’t loosen. “You’re just like your mother. A gold-digging, disgusting cunt. Do you know what cunts are for?”
“Garret, stop.” I kick him again. “Get away from me!”
“I’m not going to do anything you don’t want me to do, little sister. I know how you like it.” He grabs my ankle and drags me back a few feet before I’m able to escape him again.
I scramble to my feet and run into the living room.
He follows me, palming the knife. “You want the sharp end, or the handle inside you first?”
Dizziness makes me sway. “Garret. Please.”
“That’s a good girl. Beg for me.”
Tears spill down my face. I can’t get my legs to work anymore. I’m frozen in place. “Listen to me.” Tossing my hands up won’t block his blows, but it’s all I can think of as I back away from him a little more. “I quit! Do you hear me? I walked away from everything. I don’t want any of Brisbane’s money. It’s all yours. It’s over.”
He punches me in the face, making me spin and crash to the floor. My fucking ears ring. He flips me onto my back and straddles me.
“No!” I slap at him, trying to knock the knife out of his hand. “Garret, stop!”
His next punch lands square in my stomach, making me curl up and wheeze. White dots burst in my vision. It stuns me so fast, I don’t fight when he rips my shorts down. I just keep gasping for air, feebly smacking at him.
“I’ve been dying to fuck this pussy up since we were fifteen.” He presses the blade to me, sharp side up, and terror floods my system. Oh my god, oh my god.