Page 21 of Beast Mode Todd
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We woke sometime laterand I couldn’t tell what time it was because the rain was pelting down outside and the room was dark. Her slight weight felt nice against my side and when I kissed her hair she sighed and mumbled some shit in her sleep before rooting around until she got comfortable again.
I laid there for the longest time, thinking about all that I’d learned this morning. A quick look at my watch said it was barely past eleven in the morning. Doug wasn’t due back for another couple days, but I needed to go see my lawyer and the accountant who’d helped us set up the finances.
If he’d gone to such lengths to get rid of me, there was a good chance he’d done some hinky shit there too. When I’d looked at the records I’d noticed some discrepancies, but had put those off to the business being relatively new. And with the economy being what it is, anything can happen.
Now that I know more, it wasn’t a stretch to believe that the motherfucker was capable of robbing me blind. Didn’t he think I was ever gonna get out? No, had the drug thing stuck I could’ve done twenty years easy, tack on the underage sex thing and I would’ve been a goner for a very long time if notever.
It was looking more and more like just plain greed was behind this. There was nothing else in our past that pointed to something like this. It wouldn’t be hard to find out where he’d gone, but I wanted to take care of the legalities before I facedhim.
Thinking of the outcome of that meeting made me look down at her sleeping face. Whatever I do, I can’t get caught. A day or two ago I might’ve let my anger rule me, would’ve gone in blind and just fuck his shit up without regard to my own freedom. If I kill him, I’d spend the rest of my life locked away. Now I can’t fathomit.
My heart seized at the thought of losing her. Of never seeing this face again. A face that I’d not allowed myself to really see in the last five years, even as I lived in her damn life day in and day out, was now about the most precious thing to me. It didn’t make sense, but then, when has lifeever?
Her scent wafted up to my nose in the dank heat of the room and my dick came to full attention. I should get up and turn on the AC since the temperature had gone way up while we were asleep, but I didn’t want to leave the warmth of herbody.
Instead I turned her to her back and eased into her sleeping body. Snug, warm, tight. Her arms came around me in her sleep and I used my tongue and lips to kiss her awake. She moaned drowsily into my mouth as her body started to move beneathmine.
Her pussy was wide open from earlier so it was easier for me to fuck. I fucked her with my whole cock. Grinding sometimes thrusting, then a nice hard pound for good measure. She loved it and my back paid the price.
Her little hands grabbed at me as she dug her nails in. Her pussy was tilted up to take my deep downward strokes and I let her have it. I hit her cervix and she growled. Her whole body stiffened and I thought I’d killed her when her eyes rolled back to the whites and her chest filled with air because she wasn’t breathing.
I started to pull out but her heels dug into my ass holding me there and then she screamed this guttural sound that came from her chest and filled the room. And then she passedout.
I was in a dilemma. My cock was nowhere near ready to give up the fight, and her pussy had clamped down on me making it hard to pull out. I soothed her brow and murmured to her until she came around. Her eyes were glassy and out of focus. “You withme?”
She turned her head and looked up at me as she came to and nodded her head. That was all I needed. I pulled her legs up over my shoulders and finished, damn near breaking off mydick.
This time we were starving so I pulled one of my tee shirts down over her head and threw on my shorts before heading to the kitchen to raid the fridge. We both wolfed down a coupla sandwiches with some sweettea.
“What?” She wiped mayo from her lips and looked at me. She’d caught me staring at her. I just shook my head and drummed my fingers on the table. “Nothing, just trying to figure some things out in myhead.”
“Like, what our lives would’ve been like if none of this had happened. Five years ago I wouldn’t have touched you, you were too young.” I gave her a meaningful look, which she understood. Her little horny ass should’ve never approached a grown man like that. What if I had been someone else? I shudder to think.
“But maybe, I don’t know. Maybe a couple years later if I’d caught you on my radar who knows?” We’ll never know now, but there was no use crying over spilt milk. What’s done isdone.
“I’d like to tell you that I will be fair, that I’m gonna give you the choice of whether you want this or not. But I’m not going to lie to you. I’ve already lost too much, especially time. There’s nothing like losing that shit to make you realize how precious every second is. I want you. I don’t know why or how this happened, but it has and I’m not willing to lose anymore.”
It was a lot to put on her plate I know, but fuck it, it was a lot for me too. I was opening myself to the woman I’d blamed for every fuck that had gone wrong in my life, and though I no longer felt like she owed me, she owedme.
“I just don’t know what I’m going to say to Bryan.” She looked conflicted, but not scared.
“You want me to talk tohim?”
“No, no, I’ll do it. I just have to… you know, come up with the right words.”
“Doesn’t he realize that your relationship is for shit? I mean, I’ve watched you two for a little over a week and I’ve got to say, I saw closer relationships in thepen.”
“Eww, gross.”
“You had to be there.” But she ain’t lying.
“I don’t know, we just…Bryan isn’t the most affectionate type. He was brought up in one of those strict upbringings where everything is in its place. He needed a mom more than a girlfriend or wife and I guess I was fine with that. Until…” Until dick is what. I didn’t say that shit outloud.