Page 25 of Beast Mode Todd
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The next daywas sunny and bright and we had the inevitable first fight. I had to go back to our hometown, which was an hour and a half away and didn’t want to leave her behind. She needed to stay here and take care of things with the ex and I wasn’t too jazzed about thatshit.
In the end I reminded her I had the place wired and she’d be in a world of hurt if I saw anything hinky on the tapes when I got back. She called me a stalker and some other choice things, which I ignored because hey, she was kinda right.
I left a little after eight in the morning after he’d gone, with the hopes that I’d be back before he came back that evening. I don’t know what purpose that would’ve served, but I did not want her anywhere near him. I didn’t feel threatened or anything, it’s just the principle of the matter.
By the time I pulled into the town limits of my childhood home I’d put one thing out of my mind to focus on another. I headed straight to my attorney’s office to start the ball rolling there. I needed to make sure that my name was still legally on file as the owner of theshop.
Since Doug had no money for the startup I’d sunk everything I had into with the understanding that he’d buy in at some point if he so chose. Half an hour later I knew enough to know that I had a damn good attorney and that yes, my cousin had tried to make an end run around me to cheat me out of my place.
When I asked why no one had informed me of this, he explained that Doug had couched his concerns in such a way as to not send up any red flags. He’d supposedly only been interested in safeguarding the business against anything having to do with my criminal record. A record that he was solely responsiblefor.
Next step was the accountant, which took much longer and it was decided we’d do an audit when things just weren’t adding up. Now I had a decision to make. One that a few weeks ago would’ve been inconceivable, but now, not somuch.
I dropped in on my parents but didn’t tell them any of what was going on. I did tell them that I’d ran into Mallory and we’d talked and cleared some shit up. Mom was not happy and I knew it would take some work to bring her around to accepting my girl, but I was sure once everything was out in the open things would fall into place.
I called Mallory on my way back. It was getting late and I knew there was no way I was going to make it back in time. She assured me that she had it under control, but still she was going to stay in his house tonight. “No, you’renot.”
“I have to. I’ll sleep on the couch but I need time to break the news to him. He had nothing to do with this whole mess and it wouldn’t be fair to just drop this all on him and leave. He has no one here Todd. His family’s halfway around the country, please understand. If I don’t handle this right I’ll probably spend the rest of my life trying to live down the guilt.”
Knowing her penchant for self-conviction, she might have a point. Still, I didn’t like that shit one fucking bit. “Fine, I guess I’ll watch you until he goes to bed, but then you’re coming next door to me.” She started to argue before I cut heroff.
“If you’re not there by eleven I’m coming to get you.” Click! I threw my phone on the passenger seat and wished for a cigarette. I hauled ass back to the house and sneered when I saw his car in the driveway. As a glutton for punishment I headed straight for the computer and fired itup.
They were sitting around the kitchen table talking. I came in just in time to hear her tell him she needed some space. Wait, that’s as far as she’s gotten? He wasn’t understanding any of it and kept pressing her to tell him what he’d done wrong. I could see why she felt sorry for the guy. He was petulant and sulky. More like a little boy who was about to lose his new favorite toy than a grown man who was about to lose the woman he was suppose marry.
She gave him some bullshit story about making sure it was the right thing for both of them, but I have to admit she had a much lighter touch than I would’ve used. No matter what she said, he kept coming back to how right they were for each other.
I could see the strain in her and it was all I could do not to storm over there and tell him to grow a fucking pair. Unfair I know, but fuck. I sat there eating a bullshit sandwich and listening to him moan and whine but not once did he say he loved her or any of the other shit you’d say to keep your partner from walkingout.
She soon got tired of his shit when it became obvious even to me that he was trying to manipulate her with the whiny bullshit. She finally just told him that they were both adults and that she was allowed to change her mind if she choseto.
That had him back pedaling real fast and making all kinds of promises to make things better. She had enough sense not to give him any hope and I didn’t miss the way she looked around the room as if trying to pinpoint where I had those eyes andears.
I sat there and watched as she shored herself up for the big breakup but knew she couldn’t do it. She was still that guilt ridden little girl who thought she hadn’t paid enough for her misdeeds. Doug has a lot to answerfor.
I clenched my fists and gritted my teeth barely restraining myself from just walking over there and putting an end to this farce. She finally told him she was tired and needed some space to think. Had he reacted badly I would’ve put an end to it, but there was just more sulking and a short trip down memory lane which I was sure was meant to guilt her into givingin.
I kept an eye on him as he moved around the house while she set up the couch like she was actually going to sleep there. This is the part of this scenario that I didn’t like, the deceit. Go figure, it was my whole basis for coming here. Now I find I don’t like it onebit.
He did some work on his computer before peeping in on her and going to bed. I’m pretty sure if that were me we’d still be arguing until I won the fight. I’m not sure if he was this nonchalant because he thought she’d come around, or if the guy was just wired that way. Either way he was a weird assfuck.
I had my second beer while counting down the time that she would leave and come to me. I caught her looking around the room again and knew what she was doing when she gave me the one finger salute. Well now! That’s more in line with the girl I always thought her tobe.
I left my seat long enough to take a shower and shave before going to unlock the door for her when she came in. It wasn’t long before I saw her creeping down the hallway and looking in on him before sneaking out the frontdoor.
I met her at the door and dragged her inside. I hadn’t realized it, but I’d missed her. The kiss was one of those you’d wish your lover would give when you’re going off to war. It was filled with raw passion and need, with just a hint of ‘I really missed youtoo’.
I wanted to mount her before we left the doorway but I’m not an animal. Instead I drew her into the room and sat on the couch with her on my lap. I asked how her day was and how things had gone with Bryan, like I didn’t know. She gave me a look that said I was full of shit and I was happy to see her slowly coming out of that shell.
“It’s harder than I thought. I just nodded and played with her fingers. An opening she could either take to carry on, or keep her silence, whichever she chose.
What she chose was to talk my ear off about how hard it was and what an awkward position she was in. I listened to her, letting her get it off her chest, but I didn’t see the problem. It’s not like they were married, they weren’t even in love. Shit, I bet I’d shown her more emotion in the last two days than he had in all the time they’d been together.
“You have two more days.” Of course she’d choose now to let her inner nag flow. Just my luck that I’m the sucker who released her from her self inflicted hell. Her dander was way up and smoke, fire and brimstone came out of nose and eyes. Then she opened her mouth and unleashed onme.
“You’re not being fair. And since you don’t seem to understand basic human decency, I’ll take it from here. I told you the situation was touchy. You don’t understand Bryan. He needs a soft touch. I can’t just dash his dreams like they’re nothing and go about my merry way. You of all people should understand.”
“I know you’re not comparing my time in prison with this pus… this guy’s shit. People break up everyday. Look at is this way. You’re not in love with him, you’ll be doing him a favor.”
“I’m beginning to see that, but I still have to do things the rightway.”
“Uh-huh. You heard what I said though right.”
“Grrrrrrr. You’re impossible.” She tried to jump off my lap but I held her around the hip and kept her little ass still. She had a few choice words for me, words I didn’t even know she knew how to use. I let her have her little meltdown at the end of which she probably thought she’d won, or that I’d at least see things her way. Not a chance. I didn’t bother telling her that though. Why argue?
“You ready for bed? I’m ready for bed.” She flounced her ass out of the room. Angry sex; yum.