Page 59 of Beast Mode Jake
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“I love being close to you.”I kissed her hair and took the baby. “And I love that we share her. That she’s a part of both of us, the best thing we’ll ever do. Her and all her siblings to come.”
“All her siblings?”
“Well yeah, you didn’t think we were stopping at one did you?”
“You’re the boss.”
“Damn straight. But for now it’s just my little princess. Isn’t it sweetheart?” I kissed my child’s head and inhaled her scent.
She’s been here three months and each day I race home and look at her as if I can’t believe she’s real. That something this beautiful, this perfect came out of me.
I’m thinking from now on no matter where I fuck my wife, whether in her ass or her mouth, all my nuts are going deep inside her womb.
I’d just got home a few minutes ago to find my girls in the living room under the watchful eye of Max who seems to think my kid is his latest toy. At least I know with him around no one’s getting anywhere near my girls.
I’d said hello to my wife with one of our kisses that always gets me going before I had to pull back to save my sanity.
Now I have my daughter and it’s our time, our own little ritual that had started when she first came home.
As if she already senses things, she waits up for her daddy every evening and falls asleep ten minutes later. Just long enough for me to see her eyes before she shuts me out again.
Until three o’clock in the damn morning when she decides that it’s daddy’s time to play. Since Jillian doesn’t want any help and she’s alone with her all day basically, I think it’s only fair that I be the one to get up with her for her late night audience.
“I’ll be back as soon as she’s asleep beautiful.” I headed up the stairs after kissing my wife and had a one sided conversation with my daughter all the way up to the nursery.
In her room I sat in the rocking chair next to her crib and rocked her as we had our daily heart to heart.
If she was listening then she knew that boys carried life threatening germs until she was about thirty, then and only then was it even safe to hold hands with one of the nasty cretins.
She also knew that her daddy loved her without measure and he was very happy that she was his. Her mother says she doesn’t understand but from the way her eyes stay on me while I’m talking, I’m thinking she does.
Like clockwork her eyes started to droop ten minutes later and I held her just a little bit longer taking in the joy that was my daughter Katya.
Downstairs my wife was waiting for me with a secret smile on her face. “Okay what did you do?” She handed me a sheet of paper and it reminded me of the morning she showed me her pregnancy test.
It was a note from the doctor giving her the all clear. I’d barely finished reading the last word before I picked her up in my arms and ran up the stairs.
“Jake, what’s gotten in to you?” She laughed and swatted at me once I put her down next to our bed. “You have to ask? It’s been three months.”
I got out of my clothes so fast it had to be a record. “Strip baby what’re you waiting for? You know she’s not getting up anytime soon and the others are already gone.”
She took her damn time getting out of her clothes the little tease. “You’re gonna get fucked so hard and deep baby. I have been craving your sexy body for months.” Shit my cock started leaking.
“I hope the doctor’s right and you’re completely healed because I’ve got a fuck load to offload in you.”
She rubbed her legs together and looked at me like I’d grown another head. “Seriously? You find this attractive, you don’t think I need to lose weight?”
I walked over to her and took her face in my hands. “You’re beautiful!” I hefted her milky tits and lifted one of her nipples to my mouth.
I’d restrained myself before because I knew it would only get me more heated, plus I wasn’t quite sure about my daughter’s nourishment and how much she needed.
I’ve since learned that Katya barely empties one breast sometimes and she has to express her milk to keep from being in pain. I plan on draining both of those babies tonight.
I ran my hands over her new curves as I pulled her milk from her swollen nipple. Just being near her like this had me close to coming.