Page 28 of Little Boy Toy
I finished far too quickly. Kendry turned, looking down at me through soft, lowered lids. “Thank you. I got the rest.” He held out his hand.
As I undressed, folding my clothes and placing them under the cooler so they wouldn’t blow away if the breeze picked up, I couldn’t help but watch him spread the lotion over his chest and arms, then the fronts of his legs.
I’d calmed somewhat by the time he was finished. I held out my own hand for the sunscreen, though I didn’t burn. My skin got darker and darker but never red. Still, it was smart to use some. Sunscreen helped prevent skin cancer.
Kendry held it against his chest as he spoke. “I’ll do your back.”
My breath hitched. “Okay.”
“You have to kneel.” His voice came out firm. “You’re too tall.”
I knelt, my back to him. “I’ve been told I’m tall, but never too tall.”
“I didn’t mean it that way. I like that you’re tall. But I just have to reach you, that’s all.”
I chuckled. This trip was already turning out way better than I’d planned.
Small hands, both together, landed on my upper back. He must’ve set the bottle on the blanket.
Arousal threatened to flare again. I battled to keep myself at a low simmer.
Those little hands. Fingers pressing, leaving tingles everywhere. The gentle way he rubbed sunscreen into my skin. I wanted to turn right then and enfold him in my arms, take, possess… kiss those full pink lips.
“Okay, stand up,” he commanded.
I stood and turned. As much as I wanted him to go further, I would not be able to control myself. “I don’t need it on my legs.”
He took a small step back, shading his eyes as he looked up. “You’re so tall the sun can’t reach there, right?”
I took a friendly swipe at him as he shrieked, giggled and then started running for the water.
If that wasn’t an invitation to chase him, I didn’t know what was. He was fast. I ran down the sparkling sand behind him as he sprinted into the shallow waves. He quickly got deeper and tripped, as so many excited swimmers did, and landed on his chest. Water splashed around him as he swam into the next oncoming wave.
I didn’t slam forward into the surf until further in, my long legs holding me up, but as the waves came around me, I let myself go. I was falling toward him. Falling for him. Everything upside down and right-side up at the same time.
When I caught up to Kendry, a small wave pushed us into each other. I put one arm around his shoulders. He shrieked with laughter, losing his balance and floating into me.
He jumped back and dived into the next wave, coming up sputtering.
I swam to him and lifted him up by the elbow. “Are you all right?”
“This is so fun!”
Water swirled around us. I let go of him, but he turned suddenly and put his arms around my neck, the tide pushing our bodies together. His legs wrapped around my waist. Now I was holding him like it was the most natural thing in the world.
I barely had time to linger in the luxurious feel of his body against mine when a large wave crashed into us, tossing us both aside.
We stood up in chest deep water—waist deep for me—grinning at each other. Another wave gathered just beyond, swelling until it was higher than I was tall. Just before it crashed, Kendry said, “Chase me!” and dived into the aqua swell.
I dived after him. We beat the crash of the wave and came up beyond its crest, treading water. I flipped my hair out of my face. Water drops landed on my lips, tasting of salt.
“That was awesome!” Kendry yelled.
I lunged at him. He squealed but didn’t swim away, letting me catch him.
This time we came together slowly, his legs lifting around me again under the water. My hands gripped his waist, holding him in place. His chest touched mine, bare skin against bare skin. I wanted to curl around him, take him with me into the unknown and never look back.
Kendry locked his ankles at the small of my back and leaned away, head and shoulders touching the roiling surface of the tide.