Page 44 of Little Boy Toy
I realized more as our relationship progressed that my once selfish, younger self had vanished to be replaced by a guy who, while falling in love, had learned that happiness came in different ways. For me, pleasing Kendry and making sure he was satisfied in all ways gave me a high almost as thrilling as sex.
Who knew? Did I feel like more of a daddy because of it? I wasn’t all too sure. Maybe? At any rate, here I was in a littles playroom with a little named Kendry I couldn’t get enough of.
Iwent straight to the bookshelves. Zale let go of my hand to claim our nook.
I found some interesting books I hadn’t seen before and made a small stack. I brought them over to Zale.
He had found a big “daddy” chair, much to my surprise. Now he wouldn’t have to stretch out and try to get comfortable in a short one that even some of the bigger littles didn’t quite fit in.
Without a second thought, I handed him the books, placed both hands on his knees and tried to lift myself onto his lap. I slipped a little, feeling my shorts ride up. I didn’t care if people stared. I had my man.
“We forgot our pillows. I need a soft spot.”
I tried again, jumping a little to get support. My elbow bumped Zale in the stomach and he grunted.
“Sorry.” I grinned up at him, still only half up his body.
“Hold on now.” Zale set the stack of books beside his chair, then put both hands on my waist and lifted me up as if it was zero effort for him. His legs were spread, so he set me on one thigh, which was plenty big enough of a seat for me. Now I could swing my legs, lean against his chest, and read to him all in one.
He grabbed the first book from the stack on the floor. I opened it and began to read.
This had become an intimate thing for us. We did it often after sex and/or before sleep because we both agreed it relaxed us. It was a way to connect when we were tired but not quite ready to turn out the lights. At these moments, aside from sex, I felt closer to him than anyone. He didn’t have to be the best daddy in the whole world to be the best one for me. What a lesson I had learned!
This book had two main characters, a big dinosaur and a little bird. I made Zale read the parts of the dinosaur. He didn’t disappoint. He made his voice low and grumbly, but also playful. We laughed at practically every page.
Laughter bonded us, too. There was nothing like laughing with your most favorite person. The world was already so grim that if you couldn’t share fun and funny moments like these, what was the point?
Every once in a while, he bounced me on his knee. I had to lean tighter against his chest to keep my balance. His arm remained around my waist as well, which also helped. Right now, my little self and my lonely self were getting all the care they had ever needed. Zale fulfilled so many different heart levels at once for me.
We laughed and cuddled, having a great night out.
When we had gotten through the stack of books, Zale ruffled my hair and said, “One more drink before we leave?”
“Yes, but then I’ll drive. You’re having alcohol.”
Zale was far from drunk, but I liked playing it safe where cars and roads and cops were concerned.
Alexander propped in the crook of my arm, I slid off his lap and walked over to the shelves to put away the books. Footsteps came up behind and I thought it was Zale. I turned to face my last almost-daddy who had tossed me from his house because I didn’t want to have sex on our first date.
“Looks like you’re back and hooking up just fine,” Travis said. “When he’s done with you, look me up and we can try again, cutie-pie.”
His words were forward, a bit rude, but held an eager edge to his voice. Travis was more thoughtless than mean. Selfish. I wondered if he still had Clovis.
I started to shake my head when Zale walked up. I hadn’t seen him, but he’d come from the direction of the door. He must’ve been waiting for me.
“Everything all right?” he asked, placing a hand on my shoulder.
“It’s fine,” Travis said, raising an unfriendly eyebrow. “This sweet baby has my number.”
“I see,” Zale said.
“I blocked and erased it,” I said, feeling my fingers curl into fists against Alexander’s fur.