Page 15 of A Daddy for Maddy
“I’m sure.”
“The bump isn’t any bigger. Just a little pink. Are you getting bored?”
I couldn’t admit that to him. He had, after all, rescued me. And he was getting handsomer by the minute. I had zero complaints.
“No, I was just thinking.”
“About what, baby?”
I nearly gasped at his use of what I thought of as an endearment. And the fact that it was directed at me.
“Just, stuff. Things in my mind.”
The corners of his lips quirked up.
A group came through the front doors. Colin turned away. I watched him assess them with a single up-down look. One of them said, “Hey, Colin.”
“Hey,” he replied to the customer, then turned back to me.
“You’re brand new here,” he said. “It’s going to be overwhelming.”
“That’s what greenie means. It’s what you called me before.”
“It is.”
I realized that while he had not allowed himself to chitchat with others, he was doing just that with me. But then I remembered I was his job. He was merely watching me to see if I had a concussion. He was probably talking to me to confirm I wasn’t slurring my speech.
“Since you’ve never been here before, do you find the club interesting?”
“Yes. But a little overwhelming, too, like you said.”
He shrugged. “That’s to be expected for first timers. I barely see any of it anymore. When I’m off work, the last place I want to go is here.”
“Really?” Maybe he wasn’t into kink at all. My hope of him being a daddy was starting to dim.
He chuckled without smiling. “Not that I don’t like these guys or this place. Don’t get the wrong idea.”
Well, then, what was the right idea?
Colin’s radio beeped. He put his hand to his head where there was an earpiece and muttered a response. He walked away from me so I couldn’t hear what he said, then scoped out the club again with his very discerning gaze.
A minute later, he was back at my side. I looked up, realizing my eyes were wide and my mouth a bit open. He was just that mesmerizing.
“I’m off at the top of the hour. I don’t like the idea of leaving you. Would your roommate be pissed if I took you out for a cup of coffee?”
Coffee? That was his line? I loved it, actually. “Um, yes. I’d like that.”
I could hardly believe he was asking me out, just little old me sitting here hugging a unicorn stuffie. Did he really want to have coffee with me? But no. He’d just said he didn’t like the idea of leaving me. I was still a part of his job, that was all.
“My roommate won’t be mad at all,” I added. “I can text him that I’m leaving. He’ll be glad, actually. He wanted me to come with him tonight, but I could tell he couldn’t wait to go off in search of love.” I bit my lower lip when I said the word love.
A waiter showed up with a tray. On it was a square glass with honey-colored liquid inside, still fizzing. He lowered the tray and held it out to me.
“For you,” Colin said. “It’s ginger-ale. I ordered it for you. It will settle your stomach if it feels upset with any residual headache.”
I didn’t feel sick. Just nervous. I took the glass and put it to my mouth, taking a sip. It was ice cold and very refreshing.
“Thank you.” I frowned. “You really ordered this for me?”