Page 4 of A Daddy for Maddy
The worst thing of all was he was my type. Kinda mysterious, kinda sharp-edged, kinda powerful with dark eyes that could see right through me. That type was everything I’d wanted to be as a kid but wasn’t. Or maybe it was just everything I wanted, period. My fantasies sure were full of square-jawed no-nonsense men who could flip me over their shoulders with effortless grace.
I determined to put the image of the disapproving bouncer behind me and followed Dan deeper into the club.
The kid had barely taken ten steps into the club before he was sticking his tongue out at me as he hid behind his handsome daddy.
Rude littles annoyed me. That pretty much counted for all of them. Yet I was still drawn to that dynamic. It was fucked up, but I’d had some of my best sex with spoiled, whiny littles.
I sent this little my hardest glare, then watched him cower.
It was immensely satisfying.
My phone dinged. I swept my thumb up the screen.
Unknown: You know you’re a fucking asshole, right?
I sighed loudly. More texts for my file.
I took a moment to put in for a call to Mr. Winterbourne so I could ask him if he had any updates on this problem. I got a message back immediately from one of his assistants who said he’d scheduled a call for us for Monday at ten a.m.
This was the longest anyone had ever harassed me.
I glanced about the club, looking for anyone suspicious or familiar. I often thought whoever was doing this might be someone who had been banned but returned to the club under a disguise, or who I might’ve had a run-in with in one of the playrooms. I was determined to figure this out.
As I scanned the crowd, I realized the impossibility of my task. Half the guys at the bar were on their phones. On the dance floor, more men than I could count had their phones out and were texting as their sweating, hard bodies swayed to the industrial beat. Everyone looked suspicious in my line of work. I’d seen it all, broken up more fights than there were days in the year. I’d learned not to trust humans when they drank too much, were high on hormones, and fell into their favorite kink roles.
Just then, the mountain that was Stewart walked up. “I’m only ten minutes late for work. There was lots of traffic. Sorry.”
I wouldn’t have known if he hadn’t said anything. But he was young and naïve. And not very bright.
“So you’ll work ten minutes past end of shift and it’s solved.”
“But my shift ends when the club closes. Do I just stand around?”
“I don’t know. Wipe down a counter or something.”
“But that’s a cleaning staff job.”
“I’m sure they won’t mind the help.”
He actually had the audacity to pout. I didn’t want to look at his face, so I sent him on rounds. That meant he had to check out every corner of the club, including every playroom. If he was thorough, he’d be gone for at least forty-five minutes. If he was lazy, and stopped to chat, he’d be gone double that time. Either way was a win for me.
I did a rove myself over to the bar and stage area. The flogging stage was the busiest, with a long line of volunteers waiting to be strapped to the pole. The rude, flirty little with the Adonis daddy was nowhere to be seen. Flogging didn’t seem like his thing. He had the eyes of a greenie, what we staff members called newcomers.
He and his daddy had no doubt gone off to the littles playroom. I’d probably never see him again.
As I had that thought, I spotted him. Greenie nursed what looked like a Coke as he hugged his plushie unicorn to his chest. He and his daddy were less than fifteen feet away.
While still clinging to his daddy’s leather vest, the boy brazenly looked me up and down. I kept up my stare.
He actually jumped back as if struck. Then squeaked.
What a little gremlin. I squinted hard at him. His pretty pink mouth fell open with a look of shock.
Such a baby.