Page 3 of Dangerously Tempting
“Well hello there,” he says almost smugly, and I fight the smile that wants to stretch across my lips.
“Hi,” I respond, glancing up at him through my lashes. “I was told there would be drinks.”
He grins, flagging down the bartender. “As many as you want. I’m in your debt.”
“You don’t owe me anything. Her face, when she realized you were gone, was payment enough.”
The statement isn’t even a lie. The absolute rage that crossed her face when she put it together that he’d escaped her was one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen. I wasn’t at all surprised when she walked back past my table, giving me the stink eye. I gave her the sweetest smile I could, feigning innocence, and she stomped away with a huff.
“Regardless, it still stands.” He puts a hand over my wrist where it rests against the bar, giving it a light squeeze that speaks of friendliness but sends a shot of heat to my core nonetheless, before pulling away. I find myself turning a bit toward him like I’m being pulled into his gravity. This man is going to be the damn death of me.
It’s bad enough I want to climb him like a tree from his looks alone, but add to that how good he smells, the cadence of his voice, and how freaking nice he is, and I’m starting to understand exactly why that blonde bimbo was following him around in the first place. And his hands! Good lord, his hands are big enough that I’m pretty sure he could hold both my wrists at once and that kicks my mind straight into the gutter.
Fuck. Yes, fucking would be—Stop it!
The bartender makes his way down to our end of the bar and I order my drink, trying like hell to use the interruption to compose myself and get my thoughts on the right track. Sadly, that train has long since derailed and I can’t seem to get it back on track.
“Are you going to at least tell me your name, or are you worried I’ll start to follow you too?”
He huffs a laugh and grins. “You can’t stalk someone who is willing.”
I roll my eyes and take a gulp of my drink to try and hide the blush that blooms across my cheeks, but I don’t think it does the greatest of jobs as his smile only widens. “I could be even more crazy and relentless than she is. Don’t write me off just yet.
He chuckles, the sound going straight to my core. “I highly doubt that. It’s Jameson”
“Do you let people call you James?”
He scoffs. “Absolutely not.”
“Jay?” He grimaces and I can’t help but grin at his discomfort.
“Jameson. Just Jameson. Do I get your name in return?“ He leans a bit closer as he asks the question, and my heart kicks into overdrive as I try to play it cool.
“Hmm.” I tap my finger against my lips like I’m considering his question. “I dunno…” I trail off before sending him a playful wink. “Amelia.”
“Very fitting. Mysterious. Sexy.”
“You got all that from just a name?” I ask with a shake of my head, trying to brush off his words. Just that one singular word—sexy—has me feeling unsteady because my thought earlier, that he might not be interested, is now wavering.
His grin this time is very Cheshire Cat like, full of trouble and no apology. “I got that from the full package.”
“That’s a stretch. You’ve only seen a sliver of the package,” I say as I raise my hand between us, pinching the air between my fingers in demonstration, “And I’m not too sure you could handle the whole thing.”
Playlist: "Effortless," A.C.E
I can’t help but chuckle, shaking my head at her words. She has no idea. I’ve wanted to unwrap the whole package from the moment she walked through the door. When she crossed the room, every set of eyes in the place followed her. Every man in the room sat up a little taller. Even the women paused as she went by, and damn if I can’t blame them. She’s fucking gorgeous, with the added bonus that I already know she’s witty and funny from our short introduction.
She’s wearing a bright red top, the color of it being what caught my eye at the convention and drew me to her as an escape, with sheer, flowing sleeves that end at cuffs on her wrists. It’s tucked neatly into a skirt that says business woman from the front, but when she moved to climb up onto the stool, it gave me a glimpse of the back that said absolute sin with the way it hugged her curves. And those curves? She has them for days and in all the right places.
She’s short enough that the top of her head will probably fall perfectly under my chin when we’re both standing, with the heels she’s sporting now, maybe a bit higher than that. She’s the perfect height to breathe her in at every available opportunity and it’s something I’ve already been taking pleasure in since the moment she perched on the stool beside me. I can’t tell if the scent is coming from her luscious jet black locks or from her skin, but I’m fighting the urge to lean closer and find out.
“Let’s see the whole package, then,” I say with a full wattage smile, my eyes saying far more than my mouth as they meet her hazel ones. She blushes, clearly picking up on what I meant, and fidgets with her glass, as her eyes drift from mine for a beat. Hmm… shy, then. I can work with that. “What was your most embarrassing moment?”
Her mouth falls open, clearly taken off guard by my out of the blue question, before she throws her head back with a laugh. The sound warms my whole body, and the sparkle in her eyes makes me want to draw the sound from her as many times as I can. She narrows her eyes, pinching her lips together as she makes a zipping motion across her lips with her fingers.