Page 49 of Isle of Seduction
Because you love to have him make you submit, my brain whispers and I shut her up real quick.
“Nico stays, end of discussion.”
He motions to leave, but I yell after him. “You can’t expect to declare something and have it be law, Capaldi.” I have no clue where he’s going, but I don’t give a shit. Let him cool down while I plan who I need to talk to, to get the information I want.
Whoever is behind this, we need to move fast and protect the people that could be targeted.
And we need to find the maid and nanny that worked for Addams.
And have my husband elected.
When did my life become so full and complicated?
“Do you know how many women your brother has been with?” I ask Nico.
“I’m not answering that question. Do you take me for a fool, sorellina?”
I click my tongue. “I don’t give a fuck how many women Andrea’s been with, they could be targeted, so I’m just trying to estimate how many people we need to hide and protect.”
Nico looks at me from the corner of his eye and raises a brow, and I roll my eyes.
“Fine, don’t believe me, I’ll ask him myself.”
“You do that,” he says before retreating to his own house on the other side of the property.
On my side, there’s only one person to call. I didn’t really end things properly with Louis, fucking him and leaving a note before completely breaking my phone, so he’d never find me. That must have hurt but what can I say, he was starting to get really needy and except for his cock, I wasn’t interested in anything serious with him. Sometimes, a brutal ending is what men need to get the message. But now, I have no clue how to get to him.
I’ll need Andrea’s help.
Speaking of the devil, he joins me in the kitchen, back from wherever he crawled to. Probably the gym considering his muscles seem to have swelled within the past hour. I’m about to declare it illegal for him to wear that threadbare sleeveless tee-shirt when he takes hold of me.
“Guerrieritta,” he sighs while holding my body to his, his front stuck to my back and moulding perfectly to my curves. His strong arms envelop me, his tattoos a stark contrast to the naked skin of my arms.
I tilt my head to give him more access on instinct. Andrea takes the opportunity to drop his head to the crook of my neck and inhales.
“I just want you to be safe. Bad things happen to the people I care about.”
I close my eyes and drop my head back to his shoulder. It feels so good to be held like I’m something precious. His concern filters through every breath he takes, like I’m the air he needs to breathe.
“I understand.” I turn my head to look into his eyes. The brown swirls with anguish and it tugs at the last remnants of control I have when it comes to my husband. “Nico is more valuable somewhere else. Put someone else on my protection detail if it makes you feel better.”
“He’s the only one I trust with my family.”
I close my eyes and let him hold me some more. How am I supposed to argue when he says it like that?
Andrea’s hand cups my cheek in the softest touch and his lips descend on mine in a gentle kiss. I can feel his fears, his heart thumping against mine where our chests connect; I can feel his concern in the way he holds himself back. I can feel… his love. And when I open my eyes, what I see in his hazel depths is more powerful than anything else we’ve shared before.
The doorbell rings and makes me jump in his arms.
We’re not expecting anyone and whoever that is, they can fuck right off because I need my husband to fuck me into oblivion while he tells me how much I mean to him.
With a press of his lips on my brow, Andrea goes to open the door. The words I hear freeze my blood.
“Andrea Capaldi, you’re under arrest for the murder of Mia Alonso.”