Page 32 of Shadow & Storms
Wilder smiled, warmth blooming in his chest. ‘I know.’
Talemir gave him a broad grin. ‘I’m happy for you, my old friend.’
‘As I am for you.’
‘Took you long enough,’ Tal quipped.
Sensing their attention, Thea looked up from her writing, her eyes finding Wilder’s across the quadrangle instantly.
But Talemir made a pained noise as he spotted something soaring towards them.
‘What?’ Wilder said, making out Terrence’s form as the hawk made a beeline for them.
‘If Drue’s sending Terrence back, we’re in trouble.’ Talemir started towards the entrance of the main building.
‘I’ll catch up,’ Wilder called after him.
‘It’d be in your best interests if you do.’ Talemir winced as Terrence landed hard on his shoulder. Knowing the hawk, he’d done so on purpose, Wilder mused as the pair disappeared inside.
Thea’s voice sounded beside him. ‘You two talked?’
Wilder turned to her, the sight of her stealing the air from his lungs. The light filtering through Tal’s shadow shield caught the gold in her braid. Her eyes were bright and alert as she studied him in turn, her luscious lips slightly parted.
‘We did.’
He leant down to kiss her, marvelling at how he was able to do so freely now. Her mouth met his eagerly, opening for him, allowing his tongue to sweep in. He moaned at the taste of her. Would it ever end? The insatiable need for her? The feral desire to possess her mind, body and soul? He wanted to have her against one of the stone pillars, not caring who saw him claim her —
Thea broke away. ‘Don’t start what you can’t finish, Warsword,’ she warned.
‘Who said anything about not finishing?’ he growled.
‘We’ve got to meet the others.’
‘Fuck the others.’
Thea laughed and tugged on his hand. ‘I didn’t think you’d be up for sharing.’
A startled noise escaped him at her filthy words. ‘Never.’
‘That’s what I thought,’ Thea replied smugly. She led him into the main university building. She seemed to have gotten acquainted with the place far more quickly than he had.
‘Where are you taking us?’ Wilder asked as they entered an area that looked more residential than formal.
‘The Scholar’s Lounge,’ Thea replied.
‘I think we’re meant to go to some sort of meal…?’
‘We are.’ She pushed open a pair of double doors and entered the room, leaving Wilder with no choice but to follow.
He didn’t know what he was expecting, but it wasn’t the warm and inviting space beyond. Not a dining room, but cosy and comfortable living quarters. Floor-to-ceiling windows graced the far walls, light filtering through the glass and the leaves of the trees outside.
Malik was already there, looking out onto the grounds. Thea gasped, lurching forward.
‘Mal!’ she cried, pure joy brightening her whole face. As she greeted the former Warsword, Dax jumped up to lick her cheek and she laughed, the sound lighting up the entire room.
Wilder watched for a moment, the sight warming his fragile heart. They had been friends long before Wilder had ever laid eyes on Thea, and the pairing somehow worked: the Shieldbreaker and the lost heir of Delmira. Malik beamed at her and tugged on the end of her braid before tapping the pommel of her Naarvian steel blade, as if to say, I always knew you could do it.
Thea’s answering grin was bold and bright.