Page 181 of Dirty Boss
“Damn straight we can handle the police.”
He pulls me to him. “This is your dream, Lori. This is your time to shine. Let’s go back inside and rescue this woman. The way you rescued your mother.”
“The way you rescued me.”
“You just let me come along for the ride. You rescued you. I just fell in love.”
“You did so much more,” I say, “and I’ll detail that for you tonight, when we’re alone. You saved me.” I kiss him, this man who is always lifting me up, never pushing me down, or holding me back.
“As you did me, Lori. Let’s go save someone else.”
And together we enter the conference room again to do just that: save someone else, to save a life the way we saved each other.
Chapter eighty-six
Saturday morning, Cole and I arrive at my mother’s new apartment which is off the Hudson River, both of us dressed in jeans and the new Summer and Brooks T-shirts that we just had made; mine pink, and his navy. “I have no idea why I’m nervous,” I say, as we ride up in the elevator. “I’ve met Joe. I’ve even been to the apartment, so I’ve seen it. It’s stunning.”
Cole pulls me close. “Not since the day she moved in. You love your mother. Your biggest fear has been her getting hurt again.”
“Yes. I love her. I’m so afraid he’ll hurt her.”
“Today’s good then,” he says. “You need to find peace with her new life.”
The elevator dings and I pant out a breath. “And here we go.”
“It’ll be good.”
I nod and we exit into the hallway. Once we’re at the door, I ring the bell and my mother answers almost immediately, and she’s radiant. Her brown hair is long and shiny, her green eyes alight with happiness. Her petite frame fit. “Honey!” she hugs me and then moves to Cole. “My other honey now.”
Cole laughs and embraces her before she waves us in. “Joe is in the kitchen slaving away. Come.” She heads down the long hallway, white tile beneath our feet and we enter the living area that is an open concept with the kitchen, a wall of windows allowing the water to become the centerpiece of the room.
“Hey, everyone!” Joe calls out, scooping pancakes onto a plate from a skillet on the stove smack in the center of a large, black granite island.
My mother joins him and she’s tiny compared to Joe, who is a good six-foot-three and fit, with muscles that go on forever, while his goatee is flecked with gray to match his hair.
Cole and I join them, and Joe really is a great guy. He and Cole start talking and the rapport between the men is instant. A few minutes later, we sit down to eat. “So, Joe,” I say. “You’re an architect. That’s very interesting. How did you get interested in design work?”
“I was young and in the special forces and happened to rescue a rather famous architect. We were in hiding together for months. He stirred my interest, taught me skills that he said should have taken much longer to learn and I was hooked. When I got out, I went to school and the rest is history. I designed this building.”
“He’s incredible,” my mother says, stars in her eyes. Too many stars. They’re still new.
“Have you been married before?” I ask.
“Yes,” he says. “Happily. She died. And I was alone a long time until I met your mother. Which is why I don’t intend to lose her. I’ve asked her to marry me.”
I suck in air and Cole’s hand squeezes my leg. “What?”
“I love her very much.”
My mother reaches into her pocket and pulls out her ring, holding it up, and then sticking it on her finger. “I didn’t want you to see it until we told you.” She holds it out and it’s a stunning solitaire. And big. Really big. “I love it. Do you love it?”
I look at Joe, his eyes holding mine, and I let myself see what is there. Let myself see the love. I let myself let go of the past. I turn my attention to my mother. “It’s gorgeous. I do love it. And I’m so happy for you.” I hug her and hug her and hug her.
“I want to get married in the Hamptons,” she says. “We love it. We’d like to use your place there, now that we know it’s yours. Can we?”
“We’d be honored to host your wedding,” Cole says.