Page 52 of My One-Night Heir
‘No wonder you keep people at a distance.’
Her expression eases the ache in my chest but at the same time causes another to build. I ache to hold her. I ache for the balm of her soft body resting against mine. I’ve never needed physical comfort like this before. Sex is only fun. It’s only a moment—a great release—then I walk away. But this isn’t that. I freeze because I don’t understand it. I don’t welcome it. I don’t want this change. I don’t want to need anyone the way I need her right now. I grip the railing to stop myself moving to her. Only it hurts to resist the urge.
My throat aches. I can’t answer her. But I can’t send her away either. And I can’t take my gaze from her.
Her smile is sad. ‘You’re so guarded.’
Maybe. Yeah. I’ve never told anyone about my grandfather’s decision. It was far too painful to utter aloud. I probably shouldn’t have done it now. I make myself turn away and bow my head. I wait for her to leave. Expect her to.
There’s silence. But then I feel her hand slide onto mine.
‘I don’t blame you for that,’ she breathes. ‘It’s okay.’
On auto I release the railing and turn my hand to lace my fingers through hers. I lock them together. Us together. She wraps her other arm around me, her palm pressing flat just below my ribs, her stomach flush against my back. For a long time we stand linked like that. I’m silent, sandwiched between the railing and her, and it’s oddly, overwhelmingly safe.
Compassion. It’s an altogether different feeling from any I’ve felt with her. No less powerful. If anything, it’s...more. I can’t remember the last time someone just hugged me like this and the warmth and weight of her leaning against me is so soothing I don’t ever want to move.
‘Sometimes families just suck,’ she whispers.
I half laugh and that horrible tension, the agony, that’s been twisting me up all night finally eases. ‘Yeah.’
I DON’T SLEEP WELL. Dain brings Lukas early in the morning for me to feed him, then takes him to change and dress. Now they’re engrossed in one of their endless nonsensical conversations. Dain’s chattier with his son than anyone and I can hardly bear to look at them. Lukas is the sweetest thing I’ve ever seen while Dain’s the sexiest. My heart twists at the joy they’ve found in each other. I don’t want anything to come between them or to damage the relationship now building between them. Especially not me.
I leave the room and go to shower, still processing what I witnessed last night. It was a revelation. I don’t think I was any help—sometimes families suck—I wince at my tragic attempt at comfort. But it’s true, right? And wouldn’t it be good to pick your own? If I could choose, I’d keep both these guys so close.
But Dain doesn’t want that and after last night I really understand why. Dinner with his parents was worse than he prepared me for. He diverted conversation. Distracted. Deflected. He worked so hard I was exhausted just watching him. They were sad, selfish people who complained and contradicted each other from the moment they arrived. Over who got to hold Lukas first even—over everything. The constant point-scoring shocked me. Ultimately they just want things from Dain—money most especially. He’s never been valued for himself. No wonder he doesn’t trust anyone.
He was still charming to them, but I saw glimpses of a child desperate to please, to placate, to make everything better and bring peace to his world. I get it, I’m the same. I’m only capable and efficient because I had to be. But Ava loves me, and Romy supported me, and Dain himself has been wonderful to me. But he didn’t have that. No wonder his relationship with his family is fractured. No wonder he fiercely guards his privacy. No wonder he fights hard to retain control over everything in his life.
I realise now that he has walls that I can’t breach. And even though I know they’re awful people, their judgement of me was obvious. It doesn’t just hurt. It makes me nervous. I know he and I have some things in common—lust for each other especially—but not enough of the right things.
I don’t know that I can exist in his world. If I were on the staff, sure—but as his supposed equal?
‘Want to come on an adventure with me?’ Dain asks the second I walk into the living room.
‘An adventure? Where?’ Just like that I’m diverted.
He smiles at my immediate interest. ‘You and me, only for a couple of hours. Lukas will be better off here than where we’re going.’
Of course I can’t resist. I kiss Lukas and leave him with the nanny. Dain guides me to the garage on the edge of his property. I’ve not been in there yet, and in the doorway I stop and blink. There are several cars lined up neatly inside. All of them are very fancy.
‘You have a collection?’ I tease.
‘Only a little one. Of only the best ones.’ He flashes a smile. ‘Don’t hold it against me.’
I don’t. I chuckle. We have a very different attitude to things—I don’t collect, he does. But now it’s only things he truly appreciates. And I can appreciate that quirk of his today because the sleek two-seater convertible sports car he selects has heated leather seats and it’s sheer luxurious fun to cruise with the top down and feel the wind in my hair.
It’s so early there’s surprisingly little traffic and we arrive at a marina in no time. An astonishing array of boats gleams on the pristine blue water.
Butterflies flutter in my belly. ‘How many are yours?’ I cover it with a joke.
‘Only the one.’