Page 55 of My One-Night Heir
‘Right.’ She picks up the other glass of orange and takes a deep sip before shooting me a look over the crystal rim. ‘Why are we talking about me again?’
I shrug innocently. ‘I’m curious.’
‘Well, I’m curious about you too,’ she says softly.
I don’t want to push her away. Her interest in me is a pleasure—I know it’s not that she wants to pry. It’s different. Given I want to know everything about her, it’s actually a kind of relief that she obviously feels the same about me. Not just curious. Not just interested. Fascinated.
That night when she was upset thinking I’d thrown out Lukas’s rabbit she eventually explained about having no things as a kid herself. I felt pleased that she told me. That she trusted me enough to tell me something painful and personal. She’s just done it again now.
And again I’m honoured. It’s a precious thing.
I needed to clear my own head after last night. Feeling the wind in my hair and the freedom on the water is my favourite way of doing that. I wanted to share it with her. But now I want to share more.
‘I first sailed with my grandfather,’ I mutter awkwardly. ‘He taught me.’
Her expression softens. ‘He taught you lots of things?’
‘Yeah.’ I put down my glass. ‘Took me up in a small plane when I was only ten.’
‘Is that even legal?’ She shakes her head but laughs softly. ‘Sounds like you were lucky to have him. And he was lucky to have you.’
I go tense inside.
‘I’m sorry he didn’t give you the chance to say goodbye to him,’ she adds.
I glance at her sharply. But, of course, she’d been through something similar many times—with places, other people.
‘It hurts,’ she says. ‘Even though he was trying to protect you, it hurts.’
I can’t answer.
‘And he didn’t give you time to prepare.’
‘Yeah.’ I breathe out slowly. Not for the loss. I was so isolated and then his death was such a shock. ‘It sucked.’
I take her glass and set it on the table beside mine. She’s right. Having time to prepare for tough things is important.
‘Phase one is complete.’ I cup her face. ‘Phase two is scheduled for tonight.’
Her gaze smoulders at my touch. ‘What are you talking about?’
‘Your introduction to my world.’ I brace.
‘Oh.’ She grimaces slightly. ‘What’s phase two?’
‘One of my famous parties.’ I smile.
‘Tonight?’ Her eyes widen.
‘Anzelotti Holdings is the primary sponsor of a new staging of one of Shakespeare’s plays at the King’s Theatre in town.’
‘Okay...’ She looks unsure. ‘I thought you said party?’
I suspect she’s never been to the theatre before. ‘Beforehand, yes.’
‘Before? So it’s not going to be a wildly late night?’
‘No, we’re talking a pre-show function at a bar down from the theatre.’