Page 140 of For the Sub
When he ended it, they were both breathing heavily.
Her nipples were erect, pressing against him, which meant she’d honored his wishes to skip wearing a bra.
His hard-on was from more than morning interest. It came from a deep-seated desire for her.
“That was everything I could have hoped for, Sir.” She unfurled her arms to wrap them around her waist. “Thank you.”
Before sitting, he adjusted his pants.
With her gaze, she tracked his movements.
“What are you working on?” Picking up his cup, he took a seat.
“Ideas for your website.” She offered him the pad she’d been working on. “I don’t mind you looking.”
He took a quick glance.
“I didn’t like anything I did with your logo, so I took another swipe at it.”
Impressive. “Even freehand, this is good. Cleaned up on the computer, it will be crisp and sharp.”
“I’ll try to get you something by tomorrow.”
“You work fast.”
“When opportunity knocks, it pays to answer the door.”
She dropped down in the seat next to his. “If you’re interested, you can flip back a few pages to see some ideas I had for your aunt’s rebranding. I hope she won’t mind.”
“As long as you got rid of that godawful pink, I’ll consider it a win.”
She laughed. “I’m leaning toward some blues and greens.”
“I’ll pay for the redesign myself if that’s the case.”
“I’m happy to do the work on spec. If she doesn’t like it, then it costs her nothing.”
Now he was considering hiring a business coach for her. “You’re too damn talented to work without a contract.”
“I’m trying to grow my company. It’s what I need to do, right?” She gave a fatalistic shrug. “Anyway, I’ve updated the font and kept most of the information. But I’ve broken it up in new ways. Shorter, more readable chunks.”
“May I?”
“You have suggestions?”
“A couple.”
With a nod, she picked up her pen and gave it to him.
He added a few arrows to move stuff around then offered the pad back to her.