Page 162 of For the Sub
She stepped aside, pulling the dogs back in with her.
He closed the door and caught sight of the necklace he’d given her, sitting atop of a stack of yellow legal pads on the kitchen table.
Pointing to it, he said, “I figured it would be in a jewelry box.” If she’d kept it at all.
“I like looking at it,” she admitted.
Parts of the silver were marred by her fingerprints. “Looks better on you,” he said.
MW dragged over his rubber foot and dropped it near Niles.
Demanding to be petted, Dana nudged his hand.
Though Whisper hadn’t followed him inside, he now forced his head through the pet door.
“So what’s so important that you couldn’t call or email?” she asked, leaning against the counter, keeping the distance of half a room between them.
“You are,” he choked out, voice raw with emotion. “I let you go. It was foolish.”
“You didn’t let me go,” she corrected. “I chose to walk away. And nothing is different.”
Except everything is.
Going for broke, he exhaled. “I love you, Brandy Hess.”
“You…?” She grabbed hold of the counter.
“Yeah.” He remained where he was, despite the gnawing sensation inside that demanded action. He needed her in his arms and wouldn’t be complete without it. “I love you. I love you.”
Eyes wide, she swallowed deeply, as if not daring to trust what she was hearing. “What? I mean…how? What changed?”
“Me,” he confessed. “I did.”
She shook her head. “I’m not sure I understand.”
“I want you in my life. As my woman. My sub…” Then the most important words of all followed… “My wife.”
“Your…” Her mouth went slack.
Dana trotted over to Brandy and sat by her side.
“I swore I would never give my heart again.” This is where it became trickier for him. “With good reason.”
God, he wished she’d invite him to sit, anything but keep this emotional and physical gulf between them. “There are things you need to know.”
Eyes wide, she said, “I’m listening.”
Dana pressed her head against Brandy’s thigh while MW nudged the foot in Niles’s direction again.
Grateful for the distraction, Niles picked up the toy and tossed it into the living room.
With a yip, MW dashed after it, skidding across the hardwood.
“The night Eleanor died…”
Unmoving, Brandy remained silent, giving him the space he needed to tell his story.
“She was with her brand-new fiancé.”