Page 84 of How Dare You
“The slab to the house was poured before I ever met you,” he explains, “So this was the next best thing.”
Staring at the spot in the concrete, I say, “But you didn’t know until today that I would…”
“I knew,” he says, kissing the top of my head.
Chapter 35
Devon’s mine.
-From Rhett’s Most Important Things note
book, September 20th
“I’ve got to start giving you more reasons to wear cocktail dresses,” I say, lingering a step back to admire the way her fitted lace dress hugs her lithe body as we walk up the driveway to her non-surprise surprise party.
“Please do,” Devon smiles at me over her shoulder, her sapphire eyes sparkling with delight.
I asked Allie if we should plan something at a bar, restaurant, or maybe an art museum, and she insisted Devon doesn’t love birthday attention and would rather have everyone at her own house but loves an excuse to dress up. So, I put on a suit, and Devon spent an hour and half doing her hair and makeup cross-legged on the ground in front of a full-length mirror in the trailer, effectively moving our primary bath in the house to the top of my priority list.
Sadie throws open the front door before we can reach it, and Devon’s friends wrap her in their arms, wishing her happy birthday while they ooh and ahh over each other’s appearances. Evidently, Sadie’s hair is pinker than usual, but I hadn’t noticed.
Inside, Devon and Sadie’s house is decorated with fresh flowers and a hand-painted sign that says Happy 29th, Dev. Lights are strung up around the backyard with lanterns floating in the pool, and the kitchen has a spread of veggies, fruits, sweet and savory baked goods. The drink menu consists of all different styles of martinis.
I wouldn’t have known how to plan something like this for her, and I’m grateful she has so many people in her life who care to do it for her. As far as parties go, it’s a small affair, but for a group of people who’ve shown they’d do anything for you? It’s huge.
Allie comes over, wrapping her arm around Devon from the other side. “Hi, you’re not drinking. Do you want a drink? Let’s go get drinks,” and pulls her away to the kitchen.
For the rest of the night, Devon lets loose, the weight of the world finally lifted from her shoulders. She laughs and tell stories, even gets a little buzzed, which is a rarity.
After a couple hours when Luke, Cam and I have gathered around the cooler in the backyard, Betty brushes against my leg. When I reach down to pet her my fingers encounter a massive sand-colored bow tied to her collar. Sort of comical looking on a stocky pit bull.
“Allie insisted the dogs dress up too,” Luke explains, tugging at his own collar and pointing across the yard where Spaghetti and Dandy chase each other, sporting matching bows.
“They don’t mind it?” I ask, releasing Betty’s head, who pushes back into my hand immediately, so I resume petting her.
“Betty doesn’t mind much of anything,” Luke explains, “and the other two have been bribed with treats.”
“I get that,” Cam adds. “I too, can be bribed with treats.”
Luke makes an unamused groan in response.
“Hey, do you live in Palm Springs?” I ask Cam. “I see you around, but I’m never sure.”
“Working on it,” he responds, passing me a fresh beer from the cooler. “Never had a solid home base, at least not as an adult, because I’m on the road so much.” He shrugs, crossing one thoroughly tattooed arm over his chest. “But I like it here. Good friends. Just need to find a place.”
Twisting the top off my beer, I take a sip. Betty walks over to lean against Cam’s legs, who takes over petting her. Pointing through the window into the living room where Devon stands talking with Hector and Brian, I say, “Once I get our house built, Sadie will be needing a roommate, so that’s something to consider.”
Cam’s brows arch up in unmasked interest and Luke shoots him a warning glare. “That’s not a bad idea.”
“Although, I doubt Devon would leave Sadie until she’s found someone she approves of to take her place,” I add. “You’d have to figure that out.”
The tension in Luke’s shoulders loosens, his bearded face pulling into a smile. “Good luck with that.”
“Won’t be a problem,” Cam throws his arms out wide, a splash of beer spilling from the mouth of his bottle. “Everyone loves me. Even Devon.”
Nope. Devon loves me. I smile with the reminder, but don’t say anything to contradict Cam. I’ll let him figure out how to get on her good side on his own.