Page 2 of The Eraser
"Stephen. Who are you?"
The little girl steps closer. She has cool bluish-silver eyes. I've never seen anything so bright before.
I take a step back as she continues to watch me.
"I'm Callie. It's my birthday. I'm five. How old are you?”
“I’m ten,” I tell her, knowing I look scrawny for my age.
“Want to play?" she asks as she smiles widely at me.
"Sure," I say, lifting my shoulders and shrugging.
She takes my hand and pulls me over to the bounce house. "I'm a twin," she tells me. "Maverick is my brother. He's over there." She points toward the small boy who's running around with a toy gun. "Let's play and then we can get something to eat. I'm starving."
I nod as I kick off my shoes. I should turn and leave, but there's something about this little girl that's drawing me in. It's keeping me here. I follow her onto the bounce house and watch how she does it. Bend your knees and push up with your toes. I've never done this before. I've never been to a birthday party. I shouldn't be here.
"Stephen," Callie cries as I continue to stand here. "You've got to jump too."
I follow what she does and start to jump. It doesn't take me long to get the hang of it, and soon I'm jumping higher than ever. Callie's laughter is soft and unlike anything I've ever heard.
"Stephen, can you jump higher than me?" she asks.
I hear laughter and see her brother and his friends coming onto the bounce house. "Of course he can. Boys are better than girls, Callie Wallie."
"Stop calling me that," she shouts. "Stephen's my friend. You're not allowed to play with him."
"Kids," I hear a woman shout. "Time to eat. Come on."
I don't have to decide what to do; Callie takes my hand and drags me toward the table of food. "Mam, this is Stephen. He's my best friend."
I stare at the girl in shock. Best friend? I don't know what that is.
"Okay, honey, it's time to eat and we'll cut the cake soon," her ma tells her as she starts to load up plates of food and hand them around to the children. "Stephen, is there anything you don't like?" she asks.
I take a step back from the table. Is she giving me food?
"It's okay. You can tell me."
"I don't know," I whisper. I've never had any of the foods on display.
Her eyes sharpen for a second before she smiles widely at me. "Take a seat with Callie and I'll bring you both over a plate. Callie, honey, help Stephen to get himself a drink."
When Callie's ma comes over to us, she's got two plates filled with loads of different foods, and I stare at them in shock. What are they? She bends down in front of me and holds out the plate.
"Why don't you try a little of it all?" she says. "Try not to eat too much if you're not used to it. We don't want you to get sick."
I shake my head. "I shouldn't," I say. If Ma and Da found out I was here and eating someone else's food, they'd be so angry.
"It's our little secret," she says. "You're here to celebrate Callie's birthday. She's been so sad as her best friend, Ava, couldn't be here. She has Chickenpox."
I glance at Callie. "I thought I was your best friend?"
She laughs. "You can have two best friends. You're my boy best friend and Ava's my girl."
I nod. That makes sense. I turn back to her ma. "Are you sure, Mrs..."
"O'Hara." She beams as she pushes the plate into my hands. "But you can call me Nicola."