Page 120 of Broken Empire

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Page 120 of Broken Empire

Thecontractions aren’t bad right now.Itjust feels like an uncomfortable twinge but it’s bearable for now.Iturn on the camera feed and watch on the monitor as all the idiotsIcall family open the door and rush outside.Iroll my eyes; did they seriously forget me?

Iget up from the bed and make my way down the stairs.I’msitting on the side chair in the foyer when they all come running back in a few minutes later.

“Forgetsomething?”Iask, cheekily.

“Sorrybaby!I’mnever going to live this down, amI?”

“Nope,”Igrin.JustthenIdouble over in pain as another contraction hits. “Owww!”


Hepicks me up in his arms and takes me to the car.Hunteris in the driver’s seat withDadup front with him andGrayis in the back with us.Masonhas me sitting on top of him as he helps me with the breathing exercises.

“Hurry!Ithink they’re coming right this second!Leaveit to your damn kids to pull a stunt like this!”Igrumble.

“Leavemy kids out of this.You’rethe one who wanted to get dickmatized because of your greedy pussy, while being so close to your due date,” he whispers in my ear so that no one else can hear him.Ijust punch him in the gut for being such a nuisance.

Hunterpulls up to the hospital a moment later, well more like screeches to a stop in front of the emergency room.Masongets us out and carries me all the way in.Thenurses take over and they tell us my doctor is like a minute away.

Anhour later, we’re both losing our minds.I’mstill in pain and he’s yelling at the staff for whatever is bothering his ass.Theepidural helped a little but man this shit still hurts.Abig contraction hits me andIsqueeze his hand hard.Heyells for the doc to do something again, and when she walks over to me and checks how dilatedIam, she tells me it’s time to push.

Ilet out a scream asIpush but fuck it’s so hard andI’malready tired.Tearsdrip down my face.

“Pushbaby!Push!” he coaches.

“Wouldyou shut the fuck up?Ican’t!Ithurts!”Isnap at him.

“Shouldwe leave then?We’llgo home and watch a movie or something?” he asks all casual like, andIgive him awhat the fuckexpression.

“Whatare you talking about?Can’tyou seeI’mhaving your damn big-headed babies here!”Iyell asIcontinue to push.Thisis what?Likethe hundredth push?

“Well, you just said you can’t do it.I’mjust trying to make the situation better,” he tells me andIroll my eyes.

“Stopannoying me, you crazy person!”

“Ineed you to give me one big push!”Ihear the doctor tell me from between my legs.Ilet out a scream asIgive a big push andIfeel the first baby pop out of me.Anurse takes the baby and places it on my chest.Ilook down at the face that is all scrunched up and wrinkly as it cries.

Aftera few moments, the nurse quickly takes the baby to clean up and thenIfeel another wave of pain hit me as the contractions hit me again.Mason’sstill holding my hand but he’s keeping an eye on the baby.

“Thefirst baby is a boy,”Ihear someone say andIhave tears in my eyes.

“Push!”Thedoc tells me a moment later and a couple of minutes later my baby girl comes out and they repeat the entire process again.

“Gomake sure they’re fine,”Itell him, feeling exhausted.Helooks down at me, a torn expression on his face. “Please.”

Henods and walks over to where the nurses are still cleaning them up, keeping an eye on everything they’re doing.

“They’reboth healthy,” the doc tells me and once they’re both clean and dressed a nurse handsMasonhis son while she brings my daughter over to me.Thankfully, they’ll be staying in my room becauseIdon’t want them out of my sight.

Sheputs our baby girl in my arms and a moment later,Masongives me our son as well to hold.Ilook down at the two faces that are a mix of us and fall hopelessly in love with them both.

Ikiss their little heads and my baby girl scrunches up her cute little face as she stretches.Ilook up atMasonand he looks down at us with awe in his eyes.

“Holdher,”Itell him andIwatch as he picks her up and falls deeply in love with her too.Heholds her like she’s made of glass and he’s afraid to break her but then a moment later he brings her to his chest and closes his eyes for a moment.Whenhe opens them again, there are tears shining in his eyes and nothing but pure love on his face.Fromthe looks of things,I’mpretty sure she’s going to have her father wrapped around her little fingers soon.

“Thankyou, baby.Thankyou for giving me these two blessings.Ilove you so much,” he tells me as he bends down to kiss my head.Heholds onto her and touches our son on his little head. “Ipromise to always protect all three of you.”

“Ilove you too,”Iwhisper, feeling choked up.

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