Page 21 of Broken Empire
“Yourwish is my command,cara,” he tells me and a moment laterIhear the unmistakable sound of his zipper being pulled down andIinstantly begin to panic again.
Tearsstart to stream down my face when he pins me in place and shoves my head into the ground, thrusting inside me a moment later.Itry to scream at the instant painIfeel but it’s muffled by the dirtI’mcurrently eating.
Isob and kick my legs but it’s to no avail as he keeps slamming inside me.Ican hear the sounds of our slapping flesh all around us.AllIwant to do is throw up, as he continues to fuck me.
“Fuck!Youfeel so good,cara,” he groans andIclose my eyes tightly, wishingIcould go away somewhere inside my head for the moment.
Isit normal to feel the last bit of your soul crack and die?Becauseif it is,IthinkIjust felt mine do that.
Idon’t know ifI’llever be whole again after this and the thought makes my chest ache something fierce.
Withthe last bit of strength,IhaveItry to buck him off of me again, but he just laughs as he pushes his finger in my wound again all the while he’s still pumping his hips in and out of me.Ifeel so disgusting right now andIjust want it all to stop.
WhatdidIever do to deserve this much heartache and this much pain?Whyme?Ithink asIsob into the ground.I’mblocking out what’s happening to me right now and that’s probably for the best.He’sstill grunting and his groans sound pleasure filled.
Howcan one person be feeling pleasure while the other is dying inside?Ihate this world…
Amoment later he’s groaning andIfeel the unmistakable sensation of him coming and his sounds of ecstasy have me feeling sick to my stomach.Hereleases my head and gets up off me andIquickly turn away and vomit.Ican’t even lift my head to do it properly, so it’s just next to my face which is disgusting.
Myentire body is on fire now and in the next momentIknow thatI’mfucked.Thetingle starts in my arms and legs and my body begins to shake uncontrollably as a seizure starts to hit me.
“Whatthe fuck is wrong with you?” he asks, as he flips me over onto my back.
Ican’t reply because the seizure is still racking my body with jerky movements andI’mhaving difficulty breathing, hopingIdon’t choke.
Amoment laterIstart to feel weightless, like my body is floating as my mind drifts away.Confusionfilling my brain.AmIgoing to die like this?Idon’t know what will become of me.WillIwake up or not?Becausein the next momentIlose all consciousness as everything goes dark.
“Wouldyou stop fucking twitching and shaking so much?You’remaking me want to shoot you in the leg,”Huntergroans out andIstop shaking said leg to narrow my eyes at him.
“Doit then dickhead and kill us all why don’t you?Sincewe’re on a plane you fucking moron!”Imutter.
“Can’tkill you now sinceI’vekinda grown fond of you, especially after the warehouse and you’ve well and truly surprised the shit out of me.”
“How’dyou come to that conclusion, oh weird one?”Iask with an eye roll.
“Well, for one,Ididn’t think you actually had it in you to fuck those assholes up and for two,Inever thought you’d be this broken up about someone ‘you hate.’Quitefrankly, if it wasn’t my sister, you’re so torn up aboutI’dthink you were pathetic,” he says with a grin andIflip him off.
“Shutthe fuck up asshole!Laughat me all you want but your time will come.AndIdon’t hate her.She’smy fucking life, so excuse me for being so fucking worried about the fact that my woman was taken by some psycho!”Isnap. “AndI’llfucking shake my leg as many times asIwant to!”
“Geez!Poutingis so not cute on your ugly mug!Besides, she wouldn’t have been taken if she wasn’t constantly running away from your ass or if you were a better boyfriend to her, without being such a royal asshole.Youshould have been taking care of her,” he mutters.
“Areyou done dickhead?IknowImajorly fucked up but do we have to bring that shit up again?Ialready saidIwas sorry and explained everything to your dumbass and you heard what those two idiots said at the cemetery as well.”
“Yeah,Iheard butIdon’t know ifI’mdone yet or not because you deserve it.LikeIsaid none of this would be happening if you’d have used that big nut of yours,” he says withIcan only call a sinister smile on his face. “Butin the grand scheme of things,I’mnot the one who needs the words and actions to convey how much you messed up.Youbetter be prepared to grovel your fucking heart out when we find her.”
“Wellobviously.Iplan to make it all up to her and do whatever the hell she wants me to becauseIcan’t fucking lose her man,”Itell him getting choked up, not at all caring that there’s other people around us.
I’vebeen on edge since we boarded the jet toNewYorkandIhave no clue what to do with myself.Atthe last minute we opted to use his jet and got one of the guys to go back home on mine, while pretending to be me.Huntersaid it’s a precaution in case my father had eyes on me or was watching my every move and we didn’t want him to know what was going on if he is involved in all this shit.
Ilook around at the fifteen or so men thatCarter, the guys, andAdelaidesent with us and they’re all sitting stoically like the soldiers they are, ready for battle.
Maybethere’s going to be one or maybe with some luckI’llget my girl with as little complications as possible.Whothe hell knows?ThoughIdoubt that’s going to happen.Ihave no idea what we’ll be walking in on once we get toNewYork.Ijust hope we can find her as soon as we get there.
Thethought that there is a possibility that someone is hurting her makes my chest, hell my entire fucking soul ache andIknowHunteris right as usual.IfIhad taken better care of her, then none of this would be happening.
Ijust want to murder the fucking asshole that took her.Iwant to make this person, or the people responsible pay for all this shit they pulled.Assoon as we land inNewYorkI’mout of my seat and ready to get the fuck off this plane butHunterstops me.