Page 52 of Broken Empire
Ibend down and kiss her again.It’sone that’s filled with emotion and conveys how sorryIam and a moment laterIpull away from her.
“I’llgive you some space baby butI’mgoing to be right fucking here.Youare mine and nothing and no one is going to change that,”Isay and send a glareHunter’sway.WiththatIleave the room and slam the door behind me, feeling likeI’mabout to spaz the fuck out at any moment now.Ihead to the living room and straight for the liquor cabinet.Igrab one of the bottles of whiskey and open it, taking a drink straight from the bottle.
Itburns as it makes its way into my body, but right now,Iprefer to feel that compared to the feel of my heart shattering into pieces.Amoment later bothGraysonandHuntercome into the living room and they both have pitying looks on their faces.
“I’msorryIhad to do that man.ButIdid say if it came down to that, thenI’dstep in and do it.Ihave to protect my sister and keep her best interests at heart,”Huntersays as he moves to the liquor cabinet as well and pours himself a drink.
“Iget it.Iknow you have to protect her, especially after everything she’s been through andIappreciate it.Butjust know thatI’mnot going anywhere.I’llbe there every step of the way through her recovery, whether she wants me there or not,”
“Ifigured as much.Youare one hardheaded son of a bitch,” he grumbles andIsmirk at him.
“That’sprobably the doc,”Huntersays when the doorbell goes off and he moves to go get the door.Hecomes back with the doctor in tow and the man greets us.
“I’mgoing to go get her ready in the medical room and thenI’llcall for you,”Huntertells the doc.Mychest aches at the fact thatIshould be the one doing this for her right now, but she won’t let me.Ilet out a sigh at that depressing as fuck thought.Icontinue drinking becauseIneed something to take this fucking pain away.
Amoment laterHunteris calling for the doc and he leaves the room to go and tend to my girl.Iget up and follow behind him, butIstay by the door to the medical room without going inside.
“Idon’t want him in here,”Wintersays toHunter.
“Toobad babe,I’mnot going anywhere.Besides,I'mnot in there, even thoughIwant to be.I’mtechnically outside,”Isay, bringing the bottle to my lips again.
Shegives me a look when she sees me drinking, but she hides it so fast behind her mask of coldness and indifference thatIcouldn’t even decipher it ifItried.
Iwatch as the doctor checks over everything and then he puts new bandages on her cuts, gives her medication for her pain, andIwatch as she swallows them.Shehasn’t once looked at me again sinceItold herIwasn’t leaving and that shit burns my soul.Plus, it fucks with my head a little.
Hunterlifts her up into his arms andImove out of the way when he gets to the door to let him pass with her.Hetakes her back to her room andIwalk over to her door, turning my back to the wall and sliding down right there in the hallway to sit on the floor.
Huntercomes out a moment later and looks down at me with no surprise in his eyes.Iguess he expected this.Hejust shakes his head and walks away leaving me there.Itake my phone out of my pocket and pull up the app to look at her.
Ihad to beg for access to the cameras in her room earlier.Ihad a hunch they were there since all his places are under surveillance andIknew he’d also want to keep an eye on his sister without disturbing her.Thedickhead only caved whenIsaidI’dcamp out in her room instead ifIcouldn’t watch her through the feed.Sincehe doesn’t want me to disturb her too much, he begrudgingly gave in.
She’slaying on the bed, her back turned to the door while staring out the window.Thereare silent tears streaming down her face andIwishIwas in there just soIcould wrap my arms around her, to make her feel safe and wipe away her tears.
IthinkIknew somewhere inside that this was going to happen and that is whyIwanted to keep eyes on her in case she tries to hurt herself again.
Isit on the floor by her door until she eventually falls asleep.That’swhenIfinally get up off my drunk ass to go look forHunter, whereIfind him sitting in the living room.
“Ishe here yet?”Iask.
Heeyes me for a long while before answering. “Yes.”
“Great.I’mgoing to go work out some of this anger and aggression thatI’mcurrently feeling because of this asshole,”Igrowl before walking away from him and heading for the basement.IhearHunterfollowing me andIguess he either wants to watch or he wants to make sureIdon’t accidentally kill myself, sinceI’mdrunk and all.Whothe hell knows with him sometimes?
Timeto go beat this asshole to a bloody pulp.Iwant him to feel the painI’mcurrently feeling and all the pain he inflicted onWinter.Beatinghis face in will go a long way in making me feel a tiny bit better.
Assoon asIstep off the last stair into the basement,IseeAntoniotied to a chair in the middle of the room.He’sshirtless and his lips and one of his eyes is swollen.Thereare red bruises on his chest and torso like he was punched there and he’s currently passed out.
“Lookslike you were having fun,”Isay toHunterwhenItwist my head to look over at him.
“Hey, you saidIcould have fun and just make sureIdidn’t kill him.”
“Fairenough.Ithink it’s timeIwoke our guest of honor up,”Isay with a smirk on my face.
Ihave a brilliant idea whenIsee a branding iron in a corner in the room.Iwalk over to it and pick it up and have to laugh whenIget a good look at it.