Page 59 of Broken Empire
“Youwouldn’t.Youlike my cock inside your pussy too much baby,” he winks.Iwonder ifHunterwould give me one of his guns to shootMasonwith, just soIcan save myself the aggravation of dealing with his dumbass any longer.
“Getthe fuck out now!”Iscream at him.
“Whatthe fuck do you mean no?”
“Exactlywhat the fuckIjust said!Ifyou don’t start eating in the next second,I’llassume you want to guzzle my cum down instead, since it’s filled with protein, beforeIpump your pussy full of cock, since you keep acting up,” he growls.
“Wha—”Isplutter and then cut myself off becauseIdon’t know what to say to that really and thenIgo with “Ifucking dare you!”
Hemoves to put the tray down on the table next to the daybed before he stands up, his hands going for his buckle as though he really is going to take his pants off.Normallyjust seeing him naked would get me in the mood but right nowI’mjust too pissed to even want to drool over his fine as fuck body.
“Fine!I’llfucking eat it!”
“Ohgood.That’sallIwanted baby,” he says with a smile on his face likeI’mnot currently shooting daggers at him.Hegets back on the day bed and grabs the bowl from the table.Imove to take it from him to eat this shit but he moves it out of reach. “Nope.I’mgoing to feed you.”
“Whatthe fuck is this?”Igrumble out in a groan. “Ican eat it by myself.I’mnot a child!”
“I’mtaking care of what’s mine.Iknow you’re not a child but you’re always going to be my baby.”
“I’mnot yours anymore,”Isay automatically.
“Youbelong to me and you always will.Nowand forever until the day one of us dies,” he says and a snort slips out of me at that.
“Ihaven’t been yours in a longtime buddy,”Isay with a hint of sadness coating my words.Andjust like thatIdeflate, feeling drained once again and nowIjust want to get this over with already so he can go back and do whatever it is he’s doing here. “Areyou going to feed me or just stare at me?”
Helooks at me like he wants to say something but he just shakes his head like he’s dispelling some thought.Hethen brings the spoon with oatmeal and a blueberry on it to my mouth.Iopen and quietly take it, chewing and swallowing.Ireally don’t feel like eating, butIdon’t want to hear him bitch anymore.
We’requiet as he feeds me the stupid thing and when it’s all done, he hands me the glass of juice to drink.Itake it without fuss and gulp it down.Hestands a moment later with the bowl and glass in his hands, then he bends down and places a kiss on my forehead, before straightening to his full height again.
“I’veseen you in your worst time, hell some of it was actually because of me, to whichIam so fucking sorry for.ButI’veloved you then andI’llalways love you.Inyour sad times and when you’re in your happy times where you belong,I’lllove you then as well.It’sforever for us baby,”
“Idon’t want you to love me anymore.Iwant you to move on or something,”
“I’lltry to give you some space but there is no moving on becauseIcan’t…”
“ButI—”Istart, but he cuts me off.
“Ican’t.Infact,Iwon’t give you up, ever,” he says, before walking off and leaving me by myself again.
I’mlyingon the couch, just staring out the floor to ceiling windows afterIcame back to my room earlier.I’mnot fit for company right now and ifIstick around my brother,Grayson, andMasonI’mlikely to kill one of them.
Theyare so fucking annoying, one of them is always around me, when allIwant to do is wallow in the self-pity,I’mcurrently stuck with.Iwant to get out of this funk,Ireally do but my brain doesn’t want to cooperate with me.Aknock on the door pulls me out of my musings.
“Comein!”Iyell, loud enough so whichever one of them is out there will hear me.Isit up and look toward the door, not surprised to see it’sMasonwhen he steps into my room.
“Yourdoctor’s here to see you.”
“What?Why?Whatdoctor?I’mfine and didn’t ask for one.”
“Wethought it was best to have a therapist come see you here to get started on working with you before we get back home so?—”
“Who’swe?”Iask, cutting him off.
“HunterandI.Graysonalso agreed this was best, so don’t go playing favorites,” he murmurs.Iclose my eyes to calm myself beforeIactually strangle the lot of them.