Page 61 of Broken Empire
Whatdo you know, the couches in this room are set up pretty much like how you’d find in a therapist’s office.Ugh!I’mgoing to kill my brother since this is no doubt his doing.Thisroom is the size of a suite, it’s actually a pretty huge cabin too.
“WhatcanIdo for you,Doc?”Iask, while staring up at the ceiling.
“Well,I’mpretty sureI’mhere to see whatIcan do for you,” she says in a gentle and understanding voice.
“You’rewasting your time,Doc.Idon’t know why my brother told you to come here.Idon’t need any help.”
“Isyour brotherMason?”
“Definitelynot!”Isnort. “Mason… that’s…Idon’t know… it’s kind of complicated,”
“Well, he’s the one who asked for me to be here.Hesaid he needed the best and well hereIam,”
“Sowhat?You’relike the best therapist money can buy?Causehe has a lot of it, just so you know.Youcan probably get a couple thousand more out of him.”
“Notquite whatImeant.IguessIshould sayI’mthe best in my field,” she says, correcting me.
“Ifyou say so,Doc.”
“Sodo you want to tell me a little bit about how you’re feeling?”
“Andwhy is that?”
“BecauseIdon’t have anything to talk about.”
“You’vebeen through a lot andI’mpretty sure it was very traumatic.I’msure what happened to you is never far from the forefront of your mind and the only way to start your healing process is by talking about it.I’msure there are things you want to say, anger you want to let out.Something, anything?”
“Don’twant to talk about it, doc.”
“Okayhow about talking about something else?What’sthe story with all the flowers in the room and the notes in that big jar?” she asks andIlet out a sigh before answering.
“They’refromMason.Heleaves them every day along with the notes,”
“That’squite the arrangement you have here,” she smiles.
“Idon’t know why he even bothers.Idon’t even know where the fuck he gets roses from, when we’re in the middle of fucking nowhere,”Igrumble.
“Lookslike he has something to make up for and he wants you to know he’s sorry.Whatabout the notes?Doyou think he’s sorry?”
“Idon’t know,Doc.Ihaven’t read any of them.Ishe paying you to plead his case for him or something?”
“Absolutelynot.Thismay be a house call and he may be paying me, butI’mnot doing anythingIwouldn’t normally be doing whenI’mtalking to someone.Ihave my integrity above everything else and anything we discuss or just chat about will only be between the two of us.Masonnor your brother will hear a word of what is said between us.”
“Well, thanks for that doc.Iguess.”
“Letme ask you this, why haven’t you read any of his notes?”
“I-Idon’t know.IguessI’mnot ready yet.There’sjust so much between us right now andI’mnot sure ifIcan get past it.”
“Doyou want to talk about your relationship with him?Maybeit will be the start to mending your relationship with each other, so you can start to heal.I’llbe here to help guide you along so you can work through everything,” she tells me.
“WhatifI’mtoo fucked up to heal doc?WhatifIhave nothing left to heal?Whyis everyone so fucking insistent thatIheal, whenI’mnot even sure that’s whatIwant?Theykeep harping on me to speak to someone, speak to someone like something is fucking wrong with me!”Iscream at her.
“Nothingis wrong with you.Absolutelynothing.Ithink they just want what’s best for you and they don’t want to see anything else happen to you,” she says just as the three of them rush into my room, probably from hearing me scream.
“What’swrong?Iseverything okay baby?”Masonasks.