Page 69 of Broken Empire

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Page 69 of Broken Empire

“Godbaby.Thistight hole was made for me,” he moans out before bringing his lips down to mine.Hemoves one of his hands from my hip and grips the back of my head.Holdingme how he wants me, as he pumps his hips, pummeling away at my pussy.

“Fuck!Fuck!Fuck!Fuck!”Iscream as my belly tightens and a wave of ecstasy crashes over me, causing me to squirt on his cock.Mylegs are trembling as my orgasm continues.Masonpulls away from my mouth and looks down at me with a wild expression in his eyes.Heputs his hand around my neck, squeezing lightly, not adding enough pressure to hurt and then really starts to thrust inside me.Hefucks my pussy and in no timeI’mcoming again.

“Takemy fucking cum in your tight as fuck hole baby!Takewhat belongs to you,” he babbles asIfeel the warmth of his cum spread inside me.Spurtafter spurt fills me and it feels so fucking good.

Weboth stop moving, and just stare at each other.Ican feel his cum starting to run out of my pussy andImoan at how it feels.We’reboth panting and breathing hard, trying to catch our breath again.

“Ilove you so fucking much baby.Thatwas amazing,” he says, resting his forehead against mine and giving me a soft and gentle kiss.

Onceour breathing has slowed, he pulls out of me slowly.Ifeel more of his cum start to flow out of me and my face turns red.Helooks at me and smiles that smile that always made me go weak in the knees.It’shis proud but boyish one andIfeel my heart hurt at all the confusion that’s still inside me.He’sstill staring at me and it’s so powerfulIhave to close my eyes for a moment to break the intensity.Heplaces a soft kiss on my forehead before he moves away andIhear the tub being filled with water.

Whenthe water turns off,Ifinally open my eyes to see him throwing a bath bomb and some bubble bath into the tub.Hemoves back over to me a moment later gently picking me up and placing me in the tub.

Thehot water stings a little but then it starts to soothe.Masongets in behind me, grabbing the loofah and starts to wash my skin.Hetakes his time and is gentle as he rubs the loofah across my entire body.Thewater is tinged with red now as we wash off the blood that covered us both.

I’mquiet as he continues to wash me, my mind a million miles away.Thisis soft and intimate, neither one of us saying a word to break whatever it is that’s happening right now.BeforeIeven know what’s happening or how it even happened, tears are sliding down my cheeks and my body shakes with the silent sobs.Hewraps his arms around me from behind soothing me.

“Shh,” he whispers. “I’vegot you baby.Letit all out,I’vegot you.”

Ihave no idea when we even changed positions but the next moment,I’maware of is thatI’mlying on my back in the tub withMasonon top of me.Hisarms are behind my shoulders holding me up so my head isn’t in the water, while mine are around his.Hehas his face buried in my neck and my legs are wrapped around his waist.Amoment later he gently slips his cock into me again and slowly starts to grind his hips into mine, his cock pumping away inside me softly.

“Iknow what you want, butIcan’t give it to you baby.Ijust can’t…” he says, as a sob leaves me becauseIknow he’s talking about me wanting him out of my life andIknow for a fact that he won’t leave…


I’vebeen layingon top of her, our arms wrapped around each other in the tub for a while now.We’veboth been in our own heads for the last little while, afterItold her thatIcouldn’t give her what she wanted.

Atfirst whenIpromisedHunterthatIwould do whatever she wanted even if that meant leaving her alone,Ifully intended to keep that promise to him but now…Ijust can’t.She’smy everything, my lifeline andIdon’t thinkI’dmake it ifIdidn’t have her in my life anymore.

Iplace a kiss on her forehead before looking down at her.Shelooks up at me andIcan see the confusion on her face.Ican see the different emotions warring for dominance behind those sad eyes of hers.

Itbreaks my heart andIwishIcould fix it all for her.IwishIcould take away all the pain and confusion she’s feeling.IwishIcould also take away all the nightmares she’s been having.There’sso muchIwishIcould do, but the reality is thatIcan’t do jack shit.

“Whateveryou’re thinking about so hard just leave it for tomorrow and get some rest for tonight,”


“Don’tlie baby.Ican see it in your eyes.Don’tforgetIknow what every expression on your pretty face means.”


“Shhh.Todaywas a very taxing day.Imean it’s not every day you get to see your man kill someone right?”Isay trying to lighten the mood.


“Iknow babe.I’mjust trying to get you to rest for tonight.It’sbeen a long day.It’llget better, someday.Imean it has to, right?”

“Ihonestly don’t know.Withthe way everything feelsIwant to doubt it but who the hell knows anymore.”

“I’llfight tooth and nail to make sure it happens,”Itell her beforeIget up and step out of the tub.Iquickly dry my skin and wrap a towel around my waist before helping her out too.

Iwrap her up in a towel and then lift her bridal style up into my arms before walking back to her room.Iplace her on her feet by the side of her bed and then get to work on drying her skin.Igo and grab her lotion, a pair of panties and her pajamas before walking back to her andIhelp her put her panties on.

“Ican do all of this for myself you know,”

“Iknow.ButIwant to do it for you.Iwant to take care of you, so please let me.”

Next,Iput her to sit on the edge of the bed andIkneel down in front of her.Istart to rub the lotion into her legs while also giving her a massage.Shelets out a cute little moan as my fingers work on her skin.WhenI’mdone with her legs,Istand up and then gently push her onto her back.

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