Page 83 of Broken Empire
“Iknow, baby.”
“Ugh, let’s get this over with then,”Igrumble as he takes the bowl of pasta and twirls it on the fork before bringing it to my mouth.Damnit!It’smy favorite—chickenAlfredo.He’splaying dirty because he knowsIcan’t refuse when it comes to this dish.Iopen my mouth and he puts it inside whileIchew.
“There.Thatwasn’t so hard, was it?”Ijust grunt and continue to chew while trying to ignore his ass.
Howcan one person be so annoying?Likecan you be annoyed to death?OnceI’mdone eating, he hands me my glass of juice along with the pillsIneed to take andIdown it all in one go.Heputs everything back onto the table and then he looks at me with his wicked and charming smile on his face.
“Whatthe hell are you grinning at?”
“It’stime for your bath before the doc gets here,”
“Ohjoy,”Igrumble at him as he gently lifts me up into his arms and walks us into the bathroom.
Hesets me down onto the edge of the tub and gently takes the sling off my arm before he starts to undress me.Afterthat’s done, he helps me into the tub and makes me sit in the middle, before grabbing the retractable shower head and turning it on.
Oncethe water is warm enough to suit him, he brings it closer to me and starts to wash my back and around my stomach and legs.Thereare still some bandages around my collarbone soIcan’t get them wet.
Hetakes his time washing me, especially between the legs and my breathing turns labored asIstart to get turned on from his fingers playing with my pussy.
“What’swrong baby?”Theass asks.
“Areyou sure?You’rebreathing pretty heavily here,” he says andIgive him a death glare.Ifonly looks could kill…
“I-I’mfine,”Istutter as his finger touches my clit.
“Idon’t think you are.Ithink you’re lying to me.Doyou need me to help you come baby?” he questions as his fingers keep moving up and down my slit.I’malready soaked as hell.
“Yessss!”Ifinally scream out.
“Turnaround, lay back and spread your legs for me,” he instructs andIobey.
Assoon as my legs are spread a little, his fingers circle my clit before he slides them down until they’re at my hole.Hepushes inside me and a moan slips out.Istart leaking more, as he pumps in and out as pleasure courses through me.
“Ahhh,”Imoan. “Thatfeels so good!”
Hepulls his fingers out andImake a sound of disapproval which just makes a smirk appear on his face.Hethen pushes those fingers into his mouth and sucks them clean of my juices.Helets out a sexy growl as he tastes my juices andIsquirm in my position, needing to get his fingers back inside me.
Idon’t have to wait long, as he does whatIwant in the next moment.Hefingers me, increasing his tempo a little more with each thrust, until he’s really fucking me with his fingers.Amoment later he pulls them out of me and then he brings the shower head up to my clit.Heturns it on and the pressure on my clit instantly makes me scream with how good that feels.Inno timeI’mexploding as my orgasm crashes over me, panting for breath as he rests his forehead against mine.
“Youare so fucking beautiful baby.Evenmore so when you’re coming on my hands,” he says, kissing me on the forehead, as he continues to bathe me.
Hehelps me out of the tub and he dries my skin before putting my panties on.Hethen sits me on the counter and slowly pulls off the bandage on my collarbone, cleaning and then redressing it.
Healso puts lotion on my entire body and then my clothes.Ifeel like a girl could definitely get used to this sort of princess treatment.Hegoes to lift me up again, butIstop him.
“Ican walk.”
“Fine,” he pouts likeItook away his favorite toy or something.Helets me go but follows closely behind me,I’mguessing in case he thinksI’llfall or some shit, who knows with him?
Hetakes me into the sitting room where my therapist is already sitting on one of the couches.Weopted to have these meetings here at the house to avoid public speculation plus we have the bonus of privacy.Itake a seat on the couch opposite hers andMasongives me a kiss on the head.
“Callif you need anything babe,” he says andInod my head before he turns to leave the room.
“Howare you doing today,Winter?” the doc asks in her calm and cool voice.
“Sameas always doc,”