Page 98 of Broken Empire
“Whatare you talking about?” she screams and starts to make a racket.Theguards have to hold her down to keep her in place as she’s kicks and shouts.HunterandIjust keep walking.
Oncewe’re out of the room, the guard who’s seeing to us motions for us to follow him.Wewalk and go through different corridors until he stops at a door, indicating for us to go in.
Justlike withEmilia, my father is already here and sitting at one of the tables.Itake one look at him and my emotions bubble up to the surface.Ihate him.Ihate him so fucking much.Ithought it would be easy to face him because of all the hateIhave flowing through my veins.Butit’s difficult becauseI’mlooking at the manIused to look up to and those memories flit through my head as we continue to approach him.
“Hello, son.Howare you?Youdon’t look so good.Iseverything okay?Andwho is this?” he asks.Idon’t know if it means anything or not that he notices the effect that my week-long bender had on me, but it’s too little too late for him to act like the caring father.He’snot.
“Why?”Iask him as tears flow down my cheeks.Seeinghim after so many months brings everything to the forefront of my mind, andIcan’t help the pain that pours out of me at his betrayal.
“Whywhat?” he asks innocently. “Haveyou talked to our lawyers yet?Noone has come to see me sinceI’vebeen in here.”
“Thegirl you were fucking with, his girl,”Huntersays, pointing to me. “Well,I’mher brother.Let'sjust say this isn’t a social call if you get my meaning.”
“Whatare you talking about?”Fatherasks.
“Fuckingstop your lying!Youknow exactly what we’re talking about!Iknew you were an asshole, butIdidn’t know it was to this extent.Ifucking know everything!Bythe way, no lawyer is coming to help you.”
“Whatis it that you think you know, son?I’ma little lost here.”
“Theleast you could have done in your last hours of life is tell the fucking truth.Iknow aboutMom, about what you paid that guy inLondonto do toWinter, and how you’ve been trying to kill her ever since!”Isnap at him.Uponhearing her name, his face turns sour and angry for a moment before he hides it, but it was long enough for me to see.
“Don’teven try to fucking lie.Iknow about it all.Why?Whywould you go after her when you knowIlove her?Doesmy happiness mean nothing to you?”
“Ofcourse, it does!Iwant you to be happy, but that bitch was not the one for you!” he snaps.
“Sheis the love of my fucking life and she hates me!Idon’t know if she’ll ever forgive me, for the thingsI’vedone because of you!”
“WhatdidIdo?Ididn’t do anything,” he tells me with a straight face.
“Antonio?”Isay andIsee recognition in his eyes.
“Bythe wayHunterhere is acting as your attorney, nothing we say is being recorded so just fucking give it up, you asshole!Iknow all aboutAntonioand what you andEmiliapaid him to do.Stalkher, hurt her.He’sdead.Justlike you’re going to be in a few hours.You’renot going to make it to court and the world will be a better place without you in it.Howdid you know we were back inRavenwood?”Iask and when he doesn’t answer,Istand to leave.
“Wait!Don’tgo yet,” he says desperately.
“How?Andif you don’t answer truthfully,I’mleaving!”
“Ihad my men keeping watch at the airport, especially the private hangers.Theyfollowed you to your new place and then waited until she left to go after her…”
Ifucking knew it was going to be something like this!Havingnothing more to say to him,Iturn and walk away knowing that this is the last timeI’llever see his face.Theasshole is never going to admit to anything else he’s done, except for what he just did with the airport and then what led to the accident.
Talkingto him any further is only going to hurt me more than him.Infact,Idon’t even think my pain had any effect on him.Hewas just the same bastard he’s always been.Ihear him calling after me as we leave butIdon’t turn back.Ihope the asshole burns in hell.
Oncewe get outside,IcallCarter. “Doit.”
“Areyou good, bro?”Hunterasks in the car, breaking the silence between us as we head for home.
“No.I’mnot going to be untilIhave her next to me again,”Imumble.
It’snot even an hour later after we’re home whenHunterwalks into the den and turns the television on.Thereon the screen is breaking news thatEmiliaand my father have both been murdered in prison.They’recalling it a prison fight gone wrong.
Idon’t know what to feel right now but the most prominent one is relief.I’mrelieved that they’re both finally gone and they can’t hurt my girl anymore.Ijust wish that she was here soIcould hold her and tell her that everything will finally be okay now.Iwould have loved to torture both of them butIjust wanted to finish it.It’smore than they ever deserved.
“I’llsee you guys later.Ineed some time alone,”ItellHunterand my brother asIwalk out of the den.Ijust need some time to drown my sorrows in booze.Theache in my chest hurts something fierce.