Page 106 of Lord of Vice
“Okay.” I nodded, knowing that’s what he needed. When he started to walk away, I gripped his arm. “This isn’t the right time to say this but…”
“But?” He used the same single finger, turning my head as he’d done before only this time, there was love in his eyes and I almost broke down.
“I love you, Kraven. I know it’s soon and maybe crazy, but I do. Not because you saved my life or because you plied me with beautiful clothes, or even because you were kind to my puppy. Maybe I don’t know the reason, but I feel it in my heart and soul.”
“You don’t know how that makes me feel, baby. You’re everything I’ve ever wanted.”
But I knew he could never say he loved me.
“What did you say in Russian a second ago?”
He grinned. “I said love until the end of time. No one else will touch you. I mean that, Red Penny. Just remember that. Besides, if you dare try and leave me, there won’t be a single place on earth where I won’t be able to find you.”
“Ha. You might be surprised.”
“Don’t try me or you’ll get the spanking of your life.” He grinned, which almost surprised me. At least his brother was going to be just fine. I was so happy for both the men.
I watched him walk out and leaned against the wall, folding my arms. I waited for a few minutes, trying to collect my thoughts and what was left of my mind. When I finally found the courage for what I needed to do, I moved toward the bag of items I’d stashed together before grabbing my purse, pulling out mywallet. As I glanced at the door, I bit back a strangled cry before looking at the money I’d taken from Kraven’s wallet—that I’d stolen.
A couple thousand dollars wasn’t that much but it should help me get out of town.
But even in doing so, it would shatter what was left of my heart.
He’d almost died. Because of me. Well, not technically. Because Emiliano had succumbed to promises made by a shady organization with a stupid name.
I sat back in the seat, using the rage that had never left since the attack on my house to keep myself primed. I needed that kind of anger to finish business, including slaughtering the stupid computer tech who’d found himself infatuated with Veronica.
Hell, who hadn’t been?
Even Misha had gone out on a date with Veronica, his one real mistake. I’d heard all about it. The way she’d plied him with drinks and they’d shared a night of passion, his confession obviously freeing his soul. He’d been the one to tell her there wouldn’t be a second encounter but given her constant appearance in one casino or another, it had been impossible for him to stay away from her. That he hadn’t told me still annoyedthe fuck out of me, but I knew what it was like to hunger for a woman to the point of true agony.
That’s exactly the way I felt about Penny. I’d meant what I’d said to her. I wanted her now more than ever and once Vissarian was out of the hospital and on the way to recovery, I had plans on taking her away to a tropical resort.
Number one on an odd list of desires she’d given me.
What had been left of Emiliano’s soldiers holding court on a ship out of Galveston, Texas had been rounded up, bullets put in their brains execution style. Meanwhile, I’d acquired a nice yacht for my troubles, in my absence. I’d wanted to remain in the hospital with both Vissarian and Misha, as well as with the woman who’d just confessed her love. It had become vital that I was close, trying my best to protect all of them.
“I made certain a message was sent out regarding Emiliano’s unfortunate demise,” Konstantin said from beside me.
“Good. Maybe that will keep the other roaches from thinking they can come into my country and try and destroy my family.” I hadn’t realized how vehement my statement had been or how loud my voice had gotten until I realized he was staring at me with amusement on his face.
“You need some rest.”
I had to laugh. He was right. I was exhausted, furious, and in need of a long hot shower. “I’ll sleep when I’m dead.”
“That shit is a bad omen. Don’t say it.”
“I never knew you were superstitious.”
“You don’t know me that well. There are such things as curses.”
At least I could find a way to smile again after talking with my brother. He was alert, in limited pain, and the doctor’s concern about brain damage had proven incorrect. The thought I’d almost lost the two people who mattered to me the most had nearly torn me apart. The events had also opened my eyes. I’d taken life for granted. That was going to stop. “I believe you.”