Page 15 of Lord of Vice
Remington’s bark drew my attention, and I pressed my face into his fur, still able to look up at the forty-story building in awe.
“Yes, Michael, and please make certain you have her things from my associate’s vehicle brought up to my suite,” Kraveninstructed before handing him the keys, buttoning his jacket and scanning the area, his jaw more clenched than before.
Another attendant opened my door, but it was the sensual man’s outstretched arm that reached into the car, not the kid who I was certain would pass out at any moment.
I had no choice but to place my hand in his, which sent a series of vibrations into me. As soon as Kraven pulled me out, I tried to yank my fingers away, but he gave me the same heated look, cocking his head as if he didn’t need to say a word.
“I’m not leaving Remington in this fucking car. He’s not an animal. He’s my child. It’s likely you’re clueless about family.”Egg him on, girlfriend, and you’ll be swimming with the fishies.
“Why would you think I’d force you to leave your dog inside my car overnight?” I hated how amused he seemed, longing to wipe the damn look from his face.
“This is a billion-dollar hotel. I doubt they allow animals in your swanky rooms, even service pups.”
Kraven narrowed his eyes and I’ll be damned if he didn’t bring my knuckles to his mouth, pressing his luscious, full lips from one to another. I was mortified and tingling from excitement at the same time. “Red Penny. I own this resort and two others, which means I make up the rules. Remington is coming with us.”
As soon as my fur baby scampered out, I grabbed his leash, trying to swallow the huge lump in my throat. As if that was even possible. He’d let me give my pup a chance to use the bathroom before and the strangest thought drifted through me about whether I’d be allowed to take him out to do his business at all. It was ridiculous after what I’d done and seen, but once a mommy dog, always a mommy dog.
Kraven waited until we were both on the sidewalk, pressing his hand against the small of my back as he led us inside. I couldn’t help but notice two of the three men who’d been with him in the restaurant were following closely behind. Was the hulking Russian so important that he needed constant bodyguards?
Another ‘duh’ moment hit my brain. Yeah, he was. Some asshole had just tried to blow his brains out.
I was instantly struck by the beauty and opulence of the hotel, the lobby an open atrium leading up to several floors, the largest chandelier I’d ever seen appearing to be floating in the air. Every crystal was dazzling, reflecting pearlescent colors from the tiny LED lights coming from various sources.
The incredible deep mahogany wood floor was covered in several locations by plush, ornate rugs, adding soft ambience to the half dozen or more seating areas. Hundreds of people were milling about, all dressed like I’d thought people did when in Las Vegas. Boy, had I been wrong. I’d expected sequins and tuxedos, at least at night, not Hawaiian shirts and Bermuda shorts for men, tight-fitting sundresses if that for women.
But this place reeked of money, as if every single person allowed to stay was required to provide a financial statement of their wealth. I was as overwhelmed as I was impressed.
Even more so with the fact there wasn’t a single employee who didn’t greet Kraven with a smile and lower their eyes. What the hell was that about?
He stopped at a desk, which wasn’t about checking in.
“Good evening, Mr. Sokolov. What can I do for you?”
“Good evening, Chastity. Please have a bottle of our finest champagne sent to my suite along with a selection of fresh fruits and cheeses.”
“Right away, sir,” the lovely young woman cooed. Was it possible that every woman who gazed in his direction was pulled into his lair? It was silly, at least in my opinion. No man would ever be worth treating him like some god.
“And this is my guest, Penny…” He looked in my direction, obviously waiting for me to provide my last name.
I almost said ‘Smith’ to throw him off, but I had a feeling if he owned the hotel, he could easily find out who I was. “Valentine. Penny Valentine.”
At least he seemed pleased by my name, giving me an appreciative nod. “Make certain Penny has everything she needs. I will be sending a list of purchases that must be made to you later.”
“Of course, sir. Welcome to the Palace, Ms. Valentine. Let you give you my card with my personal cellphone number. If there’s anything you need during your stay, please give me a call.”
“Thank you,” I said as I took it into my hand, starting to feel lightheaded from the entire experience. Thankfully, Remington was being a very good boy, several people even stopping to greet him as we headed toward a bank of elevators. When we passed them, heading to a single one glazed in the color bronze, I knew instantly it was his private elevator.
Instead of using a card like most guests would do for the exclusive floors, he pressed his fingertips against a control pad, the doors immediately opening. After ushering me andRemington inside, walking in himself, he finally acted as if he was going to relax, even jerking at his tie.
“I’ll have the panel reprogrammed with your fingerprints tomorrow,” he stated as if what he’d told me was a normal thing. “As long as you behave.”
Behave? Did he think I was going to turn into his slave? “How long do you think I’m going to stay here?”
“As long as it takes for me to hunt down the other perpetrators of the attempted assassination. Given several of my enemies will go to great lengths to prevent me from learning the responsible party, that may take a while.”
“Oh, hell, no. I need a job. I need to find a place to live. I need a new life.”
“I assure you that my suite is big enough for the both of us.” He leaned against the back wall, far more relaxed than I felt. “And you will learn very quickly that what I say goes. Period.”