Page 33 of Lord of Vice
“Please. Please. Please. Please. Please.”
“Begging isn’t going to help you, Breck. Information might. Who gave you the drugs and why?”
He continued to blubber, a foamy substance slipping past his lips. I leaned forward, still enjoying my Cuban while the stench of piss filled the air.
“I was told to come. To the club. Your club.”
“Go on.”
Dima has a steady hand, but he was eager to satisfy some of his anger tonight. I couldn’t say I blamed him.
“I don’t know. Some guy my dad knew. I wasn’t given a choice.”
“What guy?”
“I don’t know!” Exasperated, I was certain the kid was going to have a nervous breakdown.
“What do you know about him?”
“He had an accent.” All of a sudden it was as if a light turned on.
“What kind of accent?”
“Spanish. Heavy. He and my father were drinking.”
I glanced at Dima. On top of the troubles I’d been forced to deal with as of late, we’d heard some asshole from South America had made overtures, determined to slide into Vegas. It happened from time to time.
“Have you seen him before?”
“No, but I’m not close with my dad.”
Why in God’s name would Sheldon use his own son? Nothing made any sense or maybe it was because I was not completely working on all cylinders. “Was the objective to get a bunch of people sick?”
“Nah… No.”
“Then what?” I noticed Dima was getting itchy, his breathing labored.
“Leave it so the cops could find it. But the girls wanted a taste. You know how women can be.” At least the kid had the common sense to blush out of embarrassment.
I wouldn’t be able to make any heads or tails of the ridiculous actions for some time. I stood, snuffing out my cigar in the crystal ashtray before patting him on the shoulder. “I think you and your father need to share in some counseling. Make certain and tell him warning received but I won’t play his game.”
“I don’t understand,” Breck whined.
“He’ll know what I mean. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a guest upstairs that deserves my attention.”
“What about this jerk?” Dima asked.
“Nam nuzhno prepodat’ yemu urok, odnovremenno postaviv yego ottsa v izvestnost’. Slomay po odnomu pal’tsu za kazhduyu zhenshchinu, kotoroy on daval narkotiki.”
I purposely used Russian because I’d had my share of screeching and blubbering for the night. Maybe for the month.
We need to teach him a lesson while putting his father on notice. Break one finger for each woman he gave the drugs to.
I knew I’d disappointed Dima, but I wasn’t interested in starting a war with Sheldon just yet. Not until I knew what I was dealing with.
“What? What are you doing? Please let me go!” Breck wailed.
I moved around the group of men, heading for the door, stopping short before walking out. “Gag him. I don’t want any guests disturbed.”