Page 66 of Lord of Vice
“Your father was KGB, a law enforcement officer and a Bratva leader?”
He chuckled and picked up speed. “Don’t believe everything you hear about the KGB, especially from twenty plus years ago. They were hunters, eliminating anyone who dared go against the politics. My grandfather had told my dad it was excellent training ground.”
“Jesus. That’s no way to be forced to grow up.”
“Don’t worry, pretty Penny. While my father was a hard man, often unemotional, he wanted better for his children, which is why we moved to the States.”
“Yet, you’re a mafia leader, a brutal man who enjoys killing people. How many men have you killed in your lifetime?”
“Be careful asking questions you don’t want to know, Penny. You might not like the answers, but I can tell you that there have been reasons for what I’d been forced to do in my life.”
“Isn’t that how all bad men justify their existence? They act as if they’re allowed to take life for any and all reasons, becoming judge and jury?”
As lights flashed across the windshield, my attention was pulled away. I found myself squinting as I peered out the glass at the massive building presenting itself in all its magnificent glory. I had a feeling my mouth had dropped open as I peered at the modern structure that was at least four stories tall, every roof line angled. There was so much glass I was shocked, anticipating a concrete fortress of some kind like the military would use.
“Welcome to my estate, Penny. You should be comfortable here and soon will consider it your home.”
My home.
In his asking about my mom, another wave of bad memories had settled in. How long had it been since I’d felt like I had a real home, one with laughter, and all those celebrations I’d mentioned to Kraven? Too long. I felt as if the memories of the good times were going to be replaced with horrors.
I turned my head toward him, the silly fantasy I’d allowed myself to buy into earlier fading completely away, reality forming a knot in my stomach.
The man was terrifying and glorious. He’d seemed so put together with his Armani suit and Gucci shoes, his dark wavy hair as if he’d just come from getting it coiffed in a posh barbershop. But now, at this moment, when the burst of light allowed me to see his blood-soaked, ruined clothes, and his face mottled from the violence he’d inflicted, I thought he was the most gorgeous man on the face of this earth.
Why was an alarming amount of lust sweeping down my spine, sending a pulsing wave of heat into my pussy?
I knew what he was capable of, the horrors he’d inflicted even while doing so to save my life. I also knew of his dark desires, a sadistic man refusing to take no for an answer.
He’d captured his prey whether by accident or by design.
Now he was going to cage and use me for his personal pleasure.
And there was nothing I could do about it.
I’d always taken everything I’d wanted without hesitation. Penny had been no different. The feel of being inside her tight pussy had been a clear reminder of everything I’d missed for far too long. Nothing had compared to the way I’d felt while stripping away some of her sweet innocence.
Fucking her had been cathartic, a sweet moment of recapturing something from the past, but I wanted more.
Required more.
I wanted to feel her pert little mouth wrapped around my cock all over again, perhaps daily, sucking as I tangled my fingers in her long strands of hair. I craved sliding my throbbing shaft into her tight asshole, stripping her of any belief that I was anything other than a monster.
Bringing her to my home, a location no other female had been allowed to invade since my life had taken a brutal turn had been the only possible alternative. However, it still indicated I’d made a choice with her, taking her as a permanent possession.
If I had any decency inside of me, I’d feel guilty for destroying her life, but that simply wasn’t the case.
I was a bad man. There was no sense in trying to deny what came naturally to me. I could put the spit and shine on who and what I was, but the reality was always there.
What I hadn’t anticipated had been the rush of adrenaline when hearing her scream, my instant reaction of wanting to ensure her safety and not my usual method of operations. Seeing the horror on her face as she’d held the top of a toilet tank to use as a weapon had done something else altogether.
It had solidified the need for revenge no matter the outcome.