Page 72 of Lord of Vice
This moment was about more than just passion. It was allowing the sins of the day, the horrors of a life he’d been born into to fade away. If only for a little while.
I was careful in the way I scrubbed his skin, although he was a rough and tumble guy. I wanted to take my time, praying the hot water wouldn’t run out as I gently rubbed the soapy net downone cheek then up the other. I moved to his neck, trying to keep my mind off the fact his cock remained rock hard.
The taste of him lingered in my mouth, the saliva glands overactive from the need to lick him all over again. I wasn’t entirely certain how I’d gotten such a filthy mind but maybe his dark power had broken me from the chains, allowing me a raunchy sense of freedom.
As I continued washing him, I marveled in the fact the shower was big enough for eight at least, although I was certain that would never happen. If Kraven was anything other than dangerous, he was a one-woman kind of guy, refusing to share with anyone. He was far too possessive.
His breathing hadn’t changed, so labored I wondered if I should be concerned. As I moved around to his back, he tilted his head, unable to keep from growling. I had a feeling he was allowing me the moment of pseudo control, preparing to rip it away at any time.
He was a terrible man doing very brutal things. No rules could control him. No men or women of authority were capable of besting him. No conscience. No heart.
Some would say a man who could never been redeemed or saved.
I was an innocent woman, someone who’d followed the rules my entire life. I’d been protected until well into my twenties, loved unconditionally. I’d been taught right from wrong, good versus evil. I had love in my heart, light in my soul, and would always feel guilt for the decisions I made.
We were entirely two different people, two worlds lived. One of light and one of darkness. But a strange thought had entered mymind during the horrific battle where he’d been forced to return the favor, saving my life.
We were meant to be together.
I replaced the scrubby ball with my hands, no longer caring if the blood stained my skin. As I caressed and kneaded the muscles in his back, he pressed his palms against the front wall. I watched as he allowed water to trickle over his head, marveling at how his subtle gestures kept my core overheated, the longing to have his cock driven deep inside more powerful than before.
Before I had a chance to drop to my knees, cleaning his long, lean legs, he turned around, giving me another one of his stern looks. When he took the ball from my hand, he wasted no time grabbing another shower gel, squirting a hefty amount. The smell of the ocean filled the space, the scent refreshing, so much so I took a deep breath.
It was his turn to clean every inch of my body, taking his time doing so. I couldn’t seem to stop tingling from his light touch or his penetrating eyes. It was true that eyes were the window to someone’s soul. I’d thought his black, perhaps nonexistent but I could see so much in them at this moment. He longed for something in his life that I couldn’t decipher.
He wasn’t rough, just authoritative in his commands, requiring me to lift my arms, and open my legs as wide as possible. And of course, he had to tease me as I’d done to him, tickling my pussy with the netting several times.
I was so hot and wet, the steam from the water making it difficult to breathe. I wasn’t certain if the fog in front of my eyes had anything to do with the water temperature. What surprised me more than anything was the gentle way in which he washed andconditioned my hair, ensuring there were no reminders of the horrific event.
When he was finally finished, he stood in front of me, his nostrils flaring as he rolled his fingers from my shoulders all the way down both arms.
The electric vibrations we’d shared since the beginning of our unusual, tumultuous relationship were more intense than before. Perhaps it was the heat or the danger, the close proximity or the need to feel something after all the death. With another sly smile crossing his face, he gripped my hips, pressing my back against the wall. With no hesitation, no real warning, he thrust the entire length of his cock deep inside.
I let out a scattered scream, the blunt force he used knocking the breath from my lungs. As my muscles stretched and ached immediately, there was so much pleasure in the moment I was instantly transported to a beautiful cloud.
“God, so big. So… Big.” I licked my lips as I gripped his arms, immediately throwing both legs around his hips. I knew by now he could hold me up easily, but I still felt so helpless even in his powerful hold. As he pulled halfway out, shifting his hips back and forth, I dug my nails into his skin. “Now, who’s the tease?”
He laughed heartedly, as if that was exactly what he meant to do before driving into me again.
And again.
Everything about the moment was perfect, the sweat rolling down our bodies making the moment that much more primal. He was nothing but a carnivorous beast and I was starting to enjoy being his prey. What a change in such a short period of time. I entwined my feet together as he planted both hands onthe smooth granite beside me, issuing a series of growls as he jutted his hips forward.
I was shocked how comfortable the position was, even if beads of perspiration continued to trickle into my eyes, burning both. I continued to cling to him, gasping for air as the sensations continued to rise. Until now, I would never have believed how incredible being with a man could be, how much our passion would change me.
There were no words of commitment spoken, although his words of owning me remained in the back of my mind. This was all about a carnal, sinful activity that by all rights should drag us both into hell.
Whatever the case, I loved it. I wanted more. I could do this all day.
He was stiffer than before, pushing me harder, driving me up the wall by several inches. I could feel my body responding even more, my pussy clenching and releasing with wild abandon.
I was swimming toward another moment of euphoria, my mind a wonderful blur. I pressed my head against the granite, laughing softly as the tingling sensations built into something else altogether. When I issued a sharp cry, he fucked me harder, his rough actions jarring every muscle in my body.
They also pushed me from a single, powerful rocket of electricity to a sweeping wave. I uttered another scream, this one more bedraggled. He refused to slow down, pushing me harder and harder. Yet when I lolled my head, finally coming down from the sweet rapture, he slowly lowered me to my feet.
The way he pressed kisses against my forehead was unexpected, leaving me smiling on the inside and out. I knew he wasn’tfinished with me yet, his ability to keep control something I could never do. He continued trailing kisses down one side of my face, barely allowing our lips to touch before raking his teeth from one side of my jaw to the other.
There was no stopping the powerful man. When he wanted something, he simply took it. It was one of the things I admired about him, although I refused to tell him that. When he spun me around to face the wall, lifting one of my arms then the other, the butterflies I’d felt before shifted into another display of bumblebees, only this time they were angry.