Page 93 of Lord of Vice
Until my return.
Plus, she wouldn’t be able to escape.
Penny had done little else the rest of the day but watch me. She’d played with Remington yet I’d been able to tell her heart hadn’t been into something she would ordinarily love. Plus, she’d changed into jeans and a shirt, which left me wondering what her plans were. Escaping wasn’t an option. She should know better. I’d hunt her down no matter how far she ran.
Or where she believed she could hide.
The thought kept my jaw clenched and my balls tight as drums.
I’d injured her heart more than any of the men who’d abused her. For that, I might never forgive myself. However, I would begin to make amends right here. Tonight. In this shithole of a place.
But there would more vengeance to come. It had been decided.
I had to give Sylvester and Rocco Morelli some credit. Over the years, they’d taken the worst resort in Los Vegas and turned it into a gem. At least as long as you didn’t look too closely. They were cheap bastards, taking all the profits for themselves.
Including from the auctions that occurred once a month.
I wondered how many girls they’d kidnapped, although I also knew for certain they used runaways as well, promising them big bucks.
While I might not be a father to a daughter, the thought of the abuse the girls received at the hands of vile, ruthless men made my blood boil.
Another reason I would spend some time with Jakie boy sooner versus later. I’d top off bloodying the man with using his father for a punching bag as well. After that, I’d determined how best to crush them beneath my boot.
No one fucked with my woman.
And lived.
The one thing about the older resorts and casinos was that I knew all the exit points, including the one my men and I had slipped inside through. I’d made it my business over the years to learn the schematics of various buildings, especiallythose owned by current or potential enemies. This particular resort backed up to what was really little more than an alley, the disgusting stench of garbage mixed with vomit and piss a repulsive cocktail.
I unbuttoned my jacket as well as my shoulder holster, pulling out my favorite weapon, a Heckler & Koch VP40 handgun to double check the ammunition.
Not a single man said a word as we made our way through the back halls leading to the kitchen and the series of offices. When two kitchen workers had headed into the dark corridor to grab a couple of boxes of booze, they’d quickly left, their eyes full of terror.
They wouldn’t bother announcing our arrival for fear of retribution. Smart boys.
Suddenly, two guards appeared, their weapons raised. Both were easy shots for me to make, catching each one bullseye between the eyes.
As their lifeless bodies fell to the floor, forcing me to step over them, Konstantin chuckled.
“You’re on fire tonight,” he told me.
“Yeah, well, I have my reasons.”
“Let’s kick some rat bastards’ asses.”
My counselor still had his sense of humor where I had none.
Another three enemy soldiers found their way into my presence, almost getting off a shot. Two were immediately shot by one of the soldiers but I took a few seconds to pummel my fist against the front man, taking out my aggression and utter rage on himso I could think more clearly. There was nothing like the hard crunch when a nose was destroyed.
Not that he’d need to breathe any longer where he was going.
When he made the stupid mistake of trying to fight back, I threw one last hard punch, toppling him to the floor. The moment he tried to move, I placed my foot against his throat, fighting the urge to crush his windpipe.
“You decided to work for the wrong people, fuckhead. Too bad.” I lowered my weapon, blowing out his brains with a single shot.
Even seeing the carnage I’d inflicted didn’t improve my mood.
After scanning the hallway in search of more rodents, I pressed on.