Page 106 of Tame Me
I don’t know that I can exist in his world. If I were on the staff, sure—but as his supposed equal?
‘Want to come on an adventure with me?’ Dain asks the second I walk into the living room.
‘An adventure? Where?’ Just like that I’m diverted.
He smiles at my immediate interest. ‘You and me, only for a couple of hours. Lukas will be better off here than where we’re going.’
Of course I can’t resist. I kiss Lukas and leave him with the nanny. Dain guides me to the garage on the edge of his property. I’ve not been in there yet, and in the doorway I stop and blink. There are several cars lined up neatly inside. All of them are very fancy.
‘You have a collection?’ I tease.
‘Only a little one. Of only the best ones.’ He flashes a smile. ‘Don’t hold it against me.’
I don’t. I chuckle. We have a very different attitude tothings—I don’t collect, he does. But now it’s only things he truly appreciates. And I can appreciate that quirk of his today because the sleek two-seater convertible sports car he selects has heated leather seats and it’s sheer luxurious fun to cruise with the top down and feel the wind in my hair.
It’s so early there’s surprisingly little traffic and we arrive at a marina in no time. An astonishing array of boats gleams on the pristine blue water.
Butterflies flutter in my belly. ‘How many are yours?’ I cover it with a joke.
‘Only the one.’
‘The biggest?’
He laughs and then looks at me with gentle understanding. ‘You okay at the thought of going on the water? It’s a beautiful morning. Calm, pristine conditions.’
‘You’re saying I’m going to be safe.’
‘I wouldn’t risk you,’ he says softly.
I know. Because of Lukas.
‘You can hold my hand if you want.’ He holds his palm towards me.
I take it.
We board a gleaming white catamaran. I feel as if I’ve stepped into a film set, only it’s real. The crew are lined up to meet me. They’re dressed immaculately and are so polite, so well drilled in their job he doesn’t need to issue orders. Everything is beautiful and perfect, it’s like magic. I know it’s not just that they’re paid a mint to do it. I get the feeling theywantto do a good job for him—same with the discreet staff at his house. They’re loyal because they actually like him.
He’snotas entitled as I first thought. Yes, he was born into wealth, but he worked hard to turn the family company around when it foundered. He’s worked hard to get what he has. And he’s working hard to please me now.
‘Aren’t you going to captain the ship?’ I ask once the crew disappear to get ready to move.
‘Not this time,’ he says lazily. ‘I’m going to breakfast with you.’
‘But you can, right? You have your boat licence and a whole other bunch of licences, right?’
‘Right now I’m hoping for a licence to eat,’ he teases.
I follow him up to the large back deck and see the feast already set there.
‘When did you arrange this?’ I ask.
He just smiles. I blink repeatedly at the beautiful view—and I don’t mean the bay. I’m too blown away by him to nibble on the fresh fruit and pastries.
‘Nothing tempts?’ He notices. ‘The chef will make you something fresh if you want?’
Laughing, I shake my head. ‘I’m too busy taking in the view. The water looks so inviting—’
‘You want to swim?’ His eyebrows lift. ‘It’s not too cold?’